Its the stupid night time munchies

Right after dinner and everyone has settled down. Out comes the snacks..I did well all week ( I always had a light snack and enough calories for it at night). Till today.. Football on and 2 beers and who knows how much in chips (tortilla chips) and salsa and BAMM 500 calories over for the day..UGH UGH UGH.

I KNOW NOT TO DO IT...WTF when will I see the light? and Saturday I have a play off football game..Can we say junk food and beer..and I KNOW not to eat it and what to eat and what to do...but damm i still do it.

rant over :sad: cry me a river i suppose One day I will understand that I cannot eat like my husband and friends and stay thin. One day hopefully soon


  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Right after dinner and everyone has settled down. Out comes the snacks..I did well all week ( I always had a light snack and enough calories for it at night). Till today.. Football on and 2 beers and who knows how much in chips (tortilla chips) and salsa and BAMM 500 calories over for the day..UGH UGH UGH.

    I KNOW NOT TO DO IT...WTF when will I see the light? and Saturday I have a play off football game..Can we say junk food and beer..and I KNOW not to eat it and what to eat and what to do...but damm i still do it.

    rant over :sad: cry me a river i suppose One day I will understand that I cannot eat like my husband and friends and stay thin. One day hopefully soon
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I totally understand what you are going through. I do the late night munchies too. I say the same thing...why do I do this .....why can't I get it right. So don't feel bad you aren't the only ones. My hubby is like 125 lbs and he can eat and drink whatever. He has weighed the same since we started dating like 14 years ago. I however gained college weight, marriage weight and 2 pregnancy weights. Sucks so bad. I sometimes want to give up. But we can't we just have to start over tomorrow. Like this is my first weekend and i will probably go crazy and eat all the wrong stuff, but monday I have to just do it again. I can do this....we can do this *HUGS*:flowerforyou:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i did almost the exact same thing tonight. i was doing SO GREAT this week. then i went to a friends family gathering - watch out! - ate fajitas, beans, rice....but the worst part? i drank a dr. pepper! :explode: man was it great though. i told myself to make sure to followfollowfollow tomorrow as strict as possible. why? its friday, we are going to the movies and out afterwards. :ohwell: :frown: this diet thing really is a change of lifestyle and doesnt happen over night. i think i can do it - i think we all can - as long as we dont let the set backs become habit and we adjust accordingly. easier said than done, i know!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm fighting it!:grumble:
  • Badtz
    Badtz Posts: 14
    I know how you feel, it's the booze stuff that gets me especially... like tonight, my boyfriend's out late at school, and I immediately thought "hey, tonights a great night to get a personal pizza, a 6 pack & watch a chick flick...":drinker:


    Happily, I resisted the temptation. For tonight. :wink: But I know how you feel... I've definately cheated myself on my diet before (haven't we all?), and I'm sure it won't be the last time. But when it DOES happen, I just try to remember how bad I felt about cheating the next time I'm tempted, and that makes it easier to resist the temptation.

    During things like superbowl parties, I make sure I load up on veggies & other healthy foods BEFORE the game, so I'm not starving & unable to resist all the fatty foods that I know will be there. It helps me out.