The Scales Not Moving!

I'm so thoroughly confused as to why i have been exercising for 8 weeks now and the scale is just crawling along.... I have seen people on here have dropped 20-25-45 and 50 pounds! I have more energy, my endurance has increased and i'm finally working weights into my program. I'm really not sure what i'm doing wrong with my workouts that the scale doesn't seem to want to budge. I'd be interested in knowing what routines others are doing to get those stubborn pounds to move.


  • rs2361
    rs2361 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm having the same issue and it sucks!
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    i don't have any wisdom for you, just empathy! I've been doing this for 65 days today. I recently even gained 2 pounds. I work out 7 days a week and stay within my calories each day. I too don't understand when i see people dropping so much weight. What i do know is there is no way we can continue to do this without having results at some point. Sounds like you are doing a great job, just keep it up. Friend me if you want. We can be slow losers together:)
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    l am having the same problem too until i got real anal about my salt intake. i do my best to keep it under now. and since i have been watching that its slow but moving again.
  • abcerc
    abcerc Posts: 58
    Me too.. I lost 2 pounds in the month of May. UGH! Have you taken measurements? Someone suggested that to me a few days ago- even though the weight isn't changing, your body probably is. I've noticed that some of my clothes are fitting differently, so something is going on even if the scales aren't telling the whole story. Hang in there!
  • miss9ashley
    maybe your scale is broke mine is i have to go buy one soon
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    maybe we should start a slow losers group!
  • nkny78
    nkny78 Posts: 2
    I have the same problem.. Been good with the workouts and what i am eating, and I gained 3lbs.. I feel better.. but I feel at a standstill..
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    Same boat here. If it doesn't stop soon, I'm ordering a pizza and eating the whole effing thing by myself. =\

    I know that I'm gaining muscle, but my clothes aren't fitting as differently as they should be for as hard as I'm working and watching.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    One of the biggest problems ppl run across here with weight loss is not eating ENOUGH. I can't say if this is the case with you, as I can't see your diary, but if you aren't consistently NETTING 1200 or more calories a day (by that I mean calories eaten minus calories burned) then your body will hold on to the fat it has for fear of starving to death. If you're consistently netting 1200 or more calories already, take a look at your sodium and sugar levels. They can cause you to retain water which could also slow down/stall out your weight loss. If that's the case, try to drop those numbers and make sure you're drinking a minimum of 8 cups (64oz) of water a day. Hopefully one of those two things is your problem, as they are easy to fix. Good luck! :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    you're working out a lot, and sometimes that makes the scale do funny things, especially if you're using weights now.

    DEFINITELY measure!! sometimes i might have lost an inch from on my butt when nothing shows up on the scale =)

    my scale was crawling ALL last month, but i raised my calories by about 400, and the weight started coming off again, so make sure you're eating enough too!!

    when the scale is not being my friend, i make sure i drink tons of water throughout the day, try to get extra servings of fresh fruits, raw veggies, and fish instead of red meat.

    good luck!! and i hope you see a change in the scale soon!!!

    don't forget to measure!!! =)
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Since I joined MFP the only weight I lose is the weight I put on last week.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?? I had the same problem as you until I started eating back what I burn during exercise, and that's when I started losing. It sounds weird that eating more could help you lose weight, it worked for me :o)

  • AngieAng74
    Thanks everyone - i have decided to up my calories to 1350 as i think 1200 is just too darn low for me especially since i am exercising 5 days a week! i did go get my body fat taken but not measurements. I went back thru my food diary and i can pinpoint where i have made some mistakes with my salt and sugar intake. In addition, some days if i work out pretty hard i have a difficult time eating up all my calories as i feel like i'm eating too much!! I will work on that for the next few weeks - i weigh myself on saturday mornings so with some twirking this week maybe it will get better.
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I work out 5 days a week for an hour with weights and cardio. No inches lost either. I was doing better before I started being coinscience of what I eat and exercising. Very frustrating for me.
  • dmswarts
    dmswarts Posts: 28
    im in the same boat too....ive been stuck in the same weight for MONTHS...thought i finally broke my plateau only for it to go back trying to feel ok about it but its soooooo frustrating. its a new week, im going to make better choices of food even thought i stay at 1200 calories...i think im not eating as well as i should .... i have been drinking more water than before coming to this site and i try to exercise almost everyday. even if it only includes just walking the dog... just feel so disappointed :sad:
  • littlemisskitty24
    It can be exceptionally frustrating, especially when you are being so good. I started this with my sister in law a few weeks ago and the scales have not moved one little bit, but I know the measurements have changed slightly, so it is something to hang onto. I know that my body probably doesn't know what to do with itself. It's refusing to budge, as it thinks I maybe sending it on a crazy fad diet again, but it really is something to know that you are being healthy and don't give up. Your body will catch up eventually when it realises you are being healthy for life and not just for the few odd weeks.

    Try tweaking a few things and definitely make sure you are keeping up with your calories. Don't necessarily eat back all your calories burnt, but definitely make sure you aren't dipping below 1200 - 1500. Up your water and try to play with foods to see what has an affect.

    I know this week I am cutting out caffeine, refind sugar and over processed carbs, but not eliminating them all together, as I am now cycling 20 miles a day to and from work, so need to make sure my body has something to work off of.

    I'm defintely a slow loser so add me if you want some company for the ride.
  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone - i have decided to up my calories to 1350 as i think 1200 is just too darn low for me especially since i am exercising 5 days a week! i did go get my body fat taken but not measurements. I went back thru my food diary and i can pinpoint where i have made some mistakes with my salt and sugar intake. In addition, some days if i work out pretty hard i have a difficult time eating up all my calories as i feel like i'm eating too much!! I will work on that for the next few weeks - i weigh myself on saturday mornings so with some twirking this week maybe it will get better.

    NUTS are an easy to eat high calorie replacement, if you are trying to meet you daily calorie goal without feeling weighed down!
  • laineyol
    laineyol Posts: 3 Member
    glad to hear im not on my own with the slow movers but im determined to stick with it every pound gone makes all the difference! iv heard muscle weighs more than fat so maybe thats why the scales arent moving? i find the best way to tell if youre loosing anything is in your clothes if theyre gettin looser then something is workin! keep up the good work and best of luck! :)