Adipex & New to site

I am new to the site and am currently seeing a doctor for weight loss! I am 5 foot 4 and recently reached 194 pounds! I am a single mother of 3 for the past 3.5 years. I work 2 jobs and have finally decided that I need to do something for myself...SO here I am! I use this site for tracking caleries and exercise for the calorie program that I am on! So far I ffel succussful! If anyone else out there is currenty taking Adipex, let me know your results and any hints or tips you might have!


  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats on joining and making the life change!!!

    I'm sure you've seen and read the side effects to Adipex. I took it and while it was very effective, I gained my weight back within 2 months, even while maintaining my exercise and diet regimen. If it works for you, awesome, but I say ditch the pills and lose it for good!!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • jgundo
    jgundo Posts: 26 Member
    Welcom to the site and add me if you would like a friend
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Welcome. You can do this. With good eating habits and a exercise program you'll be suprised what you can accomplish. Go for it. Do it for YOU!
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I was taking adipex and stopped,,,I had luck with it but I did'nt change my lifestyle and the weight came back quick after stopping...If you are gonna take them it is important that you change your way of eating and exercise routine as well so the weight does'nt come back when you stop taking them....
    and when you do stop you have to continue to eat right and exercise or it will come back quickly..
    Welcome to MFP and good luck to you..
  • Tinastout
    Tinastout Posts: 2
    Thanks so much!
  • NWLARealtor57
    NWLARealtor57 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi welcome to the site and good luck! I also work 2 jobs and it is hard to workout and eat right. I started TurboJam workouts and watching my calorie intake so my goal is to lose 35 lbs by the end of summer.