Long Road Ahead

Hi! I'm back in the saddle again, after fighting with losing and regaining weight multiple times in the past years. I've used MFP before, but this is a new account, because I wanted to start fresh. I'm back up near my all time highest weight. It doesn't feel great, but I also know how to fix it, because I've been there before.

I intend to reach my goal with simple calorie counting and exercise, and I think MFP is a great tool for the former. I don't necessarily eat "clean," so I keep my food journal private, for the most part. I'm not cutting out foods I enjoy, I'm just making sure I can enjoy them responsibly. I'll be mixing cardio and weight lifting, mostly because keeping a varied routine is how I've found success in keeping myself going back to the gym in the past.

It's going to be a long haul. I'd love some camaraderie along the way, so feel free to add me if I sound like a guy you'd get along with.
