I really want to wear a bikini next year!

Hello everyone :-)

So I joined this site yesterday and I hope it'll help me with losing some weight.
I recently moved to another country and I am still adjusting to the new environment and it struck me, that my eating habits did not really improve :smiley: So I thought of combining the wish to lose some weight with getting my diet back on a healthy basis.

I don't have a scale, but I took my measurements and pictures yesterday to have some kind of source to see progress :blush: Maybe I'll buy a scale if I see a cheap one ;-)
I know from about 2-3 months ago, I was around 76kg/167lbs, and I kinda look alike, so I am somewhere around that number.

So I set my profil to "lose 0.5kg a week" and sedentary - which gives me 1200 calories a day + the calories I get from the fitbit adjustment.
Yesterday I got around 1800 calories in the end to eat over the day (which I did) - is that ok? I am rather new to calorie counting, so I am not sure if thats fine to lose some weight.

So now get this started! Gonna finish my breakfast and then take my bike for a quick 15min ride before I cycle to work. :)


  • Elliewebber
    Elliewebber Posts: 24 Member
    Just be careful eating back all of your excersize calories. They are notoriously over estimated. You'd be safer only eating back half of the excersize calories just to make sure :) make sure you weight all of your food as well to make sure you're not accidentally over eating as this is ridiculously easy to do when you guess portions !!!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Agree that it is best to only eat a fraction of the calories back, most people go with 1/2.
    Was that 600 extra calories based on steps, or other exercise?
  • CloudyTortilla
    CloudyTortilla Posts: 11 Member
    The 600 extra calories were all from the fitbit adjustment - I walked around 18k steps that day.