Big losers, did your stomach flatten?

like the subject said. I'm wondering how much of my spare tire around the waist can disappear with fat loss. Maybe it's weak muscles and simple reshaping over time that won't be much affected by losing weight?

It's not like I only care about my pot belly. My goal's to be healthy and fit, and frankly the flat stomach and losing that pear shape are just icing on the cake (so to speak). But, I'm still curious :)

Best of luck to everyone!


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Am I considered a big loser? I've lost 63lbs so far with about 14-15 more to go. I'm only 28 and I don't mind a one piece swimming suit but it would be nice to have the options.

    I don't have the spare tire all the way around but I do have flabby flappy skin in the front. I'm already talking with my hubby about surgery eventually. My doctor has said there are several ways to help have insurance pay for it is as well.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Still working on that. I think it and my thighs will be the last to go. Starting now to work on ab strengthening exercises - pushups, situps, crunches, lunges, etc.
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    Think some of it depends on how long you were overweight & by how much. I was morbidly obese for 18-20 years. I've lost 114 since 2008 & It has flattened - but have skin issues. Best thing has been doing planks and great cardio - like running! NEVER thought I'd be saying that! LOL! Best wishes & friend me if you'd like support =)
  • ayesha30
    ayesha30 Posts: 43
    I can't answer your question, but I was wondering the same thing. I have two kids and my stomach muscles are very weak, therefore I have what I would call a deflated inner tube around my abdominal area (lol!) but I'm surely hoping that weight loss will aid in getting rid of some of it.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    In total I've lost 90 ish lbs, but 70 of those primarily 6 years ago. All I have left to lose is my stomach, you can see my veins in my forarms and calves. I'm strength training to finish off the weight with some intermittent running (because I want to).
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    It has gone away for the most part with me, but there is still some to go. Remember the first place fat went on is the last place it will come off. If your belly is where it started it will be among the last places to show great change. The focus here should be fat loss. Thus you need to incorporate some type of strength training as well either with weights or body weigh. While recognizing the value of using weights (and I have used them in the past and will again in the future) I am a big advocate for body weight training. My blog here has some body weight workout information including some workouts.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Everything could theoretically disappear, and more.

    Look at these pics (this is the same person):

    However, to really lose the stomach, you have to reach a fairly low body fat (probably around 16-18% according to the link above).
    If you don't train as much as the guy on the link above, you will still lose the stomach but be thin instead of muscular like this guy.

    Reshaping (i.e. training your muscles) will help giving your muscles (and body) a general shape, but won't melt the fat. However, if your arms/torso are really muscular (for example) then the fat will be more evenly spread and it might be less visible as well.
    So the final answer is: it can disappear entirely, yes. When? it depends on your body.

    PS: Your skin can be loose if you lose weight (too quickly) (e.g. liposuction) . However, it will tighten with time, as skin regenerates.

    PPS: A good strategy against "lose skin" is usually to lose weight slowly and train your muscle, this way your skin still hangs on muscles. Plus this is an excellent way to tone your body.