New to MFP. Need some motivation

I recently signed up on this site. Im a stay at home mom of 2, I really would love to lose 40lbs, before i got pregnant with my daughter i was a skinny 120lb 20yr old. when i was pregnant with her, i put on alot of weight, for the past 2 yrs i havent been less then 160lbs, and i would love to be, i have a chubby tummy, that makes me look like im pregnant and the worst is i have a muffin top thats been bothering me for a long time. I havent felt great in a pair of jeans for 3.5 years. I get married in lil under a year. Id love to lose the weight before then. I just need the motivation and the drive to get my butt going.I did 3 days consecutive dance workouts, and today i have no motivation to get up and do it.


  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You'll get there. Slow and steady, and sooner or later it will become a habit.

    If you don't like dancing, or maybe are tired of that video, try another workout! I can always convince myself to AT LEAST go on a walk or garden for a little while.

    Good luck!
  • cjljohnnycash
    Set your goal & make a true commitment. I am active duty Millitary. My job is preparing the food. i have it in my face all the time. I was recently over my maximum allowed weight. I got in trouble. Also, my BP has been sky high as well as my cholesterol. I am on meds for both. So, my health care provider suggested MFP. I downloaded the app. I decided to make the commitment . For two reasons, 1-my health, 2-my caeer. I have enetered in my desired weight that the Millitary allows me to weigh. I am following my calorie allowance. I exercise when I can. I either swim, walk, treadmill,eliptical, jog. I just mix it up. I push back my plate no seconds. I have lost 14lbs doing gr8. Now i am feeling motivated. !!:) Hang in there, you can do it. Results are woth it!
  • krazykinz
    krazykinz Posts: 2
    Thanks for the keen motivation. I use my Wii Fit and Golds gym Dance workout game on the wii as well. The weather isnt cooperative for me to get out with my kids, but i try and stay active through out the day. I just need to kick my butt into gear and get going. Thank you again for the motivation, and encouragements.
  • dopey81
    dopey81 Posts: 17
    I also like The Biggest Loser on the Wii maybe that would help change it up for you! Good luck to you!!!!!!
  • dclark432
    dclark432 Posts: 18 Member
    You can do it!!! Hang in there!!!

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