No More Butts (Closed Group)



  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    @Sharleen: you can do this!!!!

    @Jamie: Don't beat yourself up. You are doing the right thing now. And by quitting before you turn 30 you are helping your lungs even more! Most lung damage in woman from smoking happens when they are in their 30's. It's a great time to walk away from it!

    @craft: I am considering the e-cig route. Did you find that you smoked more because it gave you the freedom to smoke where it's generally banned? I can just imagine myself running into the bathroom at work for a hit. I know I cannot go cold turkey because I have tried and it doesnt work for me.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Sunday Check-in:

    Well, I have done pretty good this week. I managed to stay under my fifteen cig limit every day. Today I went to the smoke shop with my boyfriend and they had disposable e-cigs with two cartridges for 12 bucks. So I bought one and it works great. I took about three puffs and I was satisfied. I am going to do my best to stick with the e-cig tomorrow.

    On that note, I wanna know how everyone else is doing. I would love to see a little more participation from you all. I want to know how things are going and I want to be able to encourage each of you. Please post and share. If we could all do two posts a week I think that would be great. So HOW"S EVERYONE DOING? :tongue:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey all well day two has rolled around and it is getting easier. Partner was meant to quit yet again today but didn't so I had to once again fight the urge to succumb to having one (which I know would turn into more). I realised it was the coffee and smoke I really enjoyed and I have trained my brain to think that way. So I grabbed water instead and went and sat with him while he had his smoke and coffee and I had my water and just chilled out for 5 minutes and went well. The smell just reassures me, as I was going for my walk today a lady went past with her window down puffing away and I could smell it from the other side of the road :/ I am looking forward to smelling nature again it has been so long. P.S thanks for all the support :) We can all do this !!!
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    I am making steps too. Small baby steps, just like I did with the eating. I usually smoke 3 on the way to and from work. Yesterday I only had 2 each way. And all day today I only had 5 total, but I am about to go to bed so I will make it 6.

    I am trying to mentally close in on a quit day. I want it to be a time when I am away from work for a few days or my friend is off. It is so easy to go outside and take a break with friends and shoot the **** while smoking. I want to avoid those triggers in the first few weeks if possible.

    I will probably invest in an e-cigarette this weekend.
    LINNETTE37 Posts: 10
    That too is the hardest part of the day. Coffee and a cigg :( ugghhh and breaks at work but I find it easier not to smoke when I dont have my coffee and as for breaks at work...well havent taken any I know this must sound a bit yuk but when I feel overwhelmed and the forst thing that enters my mind is smoking I put a mint halls in my mouth and drink water. For some reason or another it distracts me and umm I am not a fan of mint haha
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Monday is supposed to be 'fact check day', which i feel is a bit silly (no offense, sarahbear. i just think we all know the risks).

    HOWEVER, i DO have an interesting fact to share: my father and brother both suffer from asthma. i always thought my little brother's health problems only went as far as allergies and eczema, but apparently not. . .and i found out last year that my dad has very mild asthma as well. so now i've got even MORE motivation to make this thing stick - my son hasn't been diagnosed with anything other than standard seasonal allergies, but why give his tiny little body the chance to develop it?

    oh, and as far as my actual quitting goes, i HATE the fact that my husband doesn't smoke his cigarettes all the way down. twice in the last week, he's handed me the remainder of cigarettes he'd smoked so i could finish them for him. it was only about 3 puffs each, so i'm still counting myself as 'quit'. but i think he only does that when he sees i don't already have something (like a grape or an almond) in my mouth already. VERY annoying!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Congrats to those of you have taken the plunge and are smoke-free already - you're inspirational :-) I did better last week, but still baby steps - I kept it to 6 cigarettes a day since we started, compared to 8-10 daily before that, and I'm avoiding smoking in the car - it was hard yesterday when I was running errands, because normally I would have snuck in one or two, but I didn't have any with me so I couldn't :-) My goal this week is to cut down to 5 and then 4 a day, and to see how much longer I can go each day without lighting up. I have an e-cig that I bought awhile back, I'll have to dig that out and give it a try. I also like the idea of sucking on a Hall's cough drop - that's a pretty strong taste. Thanks for the idea :-)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Fact Day: I stunk when I smoked lol but we all know that right.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    appleshells - i was using the e-cigs more than regular cigarettes, but that was because of the cravings, not because i was "allowed" to use them more. at first it's kind of cool and a little funny to use it whenever u want, but it gets old fast. :) i was using it like crazy for the first week, and was kind of worried that i wasn't really quitting, but after that week, i needed it less and less. today was a crazy day, plus i was in NYC and was passing people who were smoking every 5 seconds and i didn't have a problem :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    tuesday tips - bubble gum works for me....weird cuz i would always want mint flavored gum, but now i'm a bubble gum freak lol :) also, cough drops in crazy flavors. i found a "warming" cough was sooo cool and tasted like apple pie lol
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think i have been doing good on the smoking less.Ive been sick so I have not really been paying attention.I was planning on buying an e cig but we are getting ready to move so im trying to save all the money I can.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    What has been working for me is key lime pie sugar free gum from extra. I definitely helps with the cravings. i have also noticed that the e-cig has really been helping me cut back. I am down to ten a day now from a pack a day.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    TIp Day: One thing that keeps me going is the quote "I have made a commitment not to take another puff" as we all know that one puff can lead to a pack, so if we make that choice not to take even a puff we are so there!. Cravings are hard I looked up how long it takes until you stop thinking about smokes some find it harder than others. I am on day four and still think about smokes I would have to say though that the cravings are not as intense as day 1 and 2. I found that mints are good, also when eating a snack try to eat it real slowly by the time you have finished it the craving will be gone :) Another thing that I think is beneficial is to keep a diary, how often have we gone through something and forgotten how hard it was and the challenges we faced this way we can look back on it and be reminded that we don't ever want to go through that again. It also is really good in general as you get to know yourself a lot better your strengths and weaknesses. So proud of all of you each small step will get you to your destination.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im doing crappy on not smoking,I really want an e cig but need to wait till after we move.I think my problem is I am focusing to much on quiting,so for now im going to try my best to look at it like im just cutting down.Everytime i start thinking of quiting I start smoking like a broke
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Wednesday Whine: It seems to never fail. Every time I try to quit smoking I end up having nightmares two or three times a night. I am not exactly sure why this is either, but it always happens. So I am not sleeping well which stresses me out and makes me want to smoke more. Going to puff on my e-cig now....
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Thursday – Inspiration, Motivation & Encouragement

    i always considered myself a strong person. giving in to an addiction is "weak" and i just won't do it...

    it's so hard in the beginning, but you just have to be strong and stick with it. you will feel sooo much better after you get through that first week, then that first month.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Time Smoke-Free: 37 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes and 25 seconds
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Thursday Motivation: I just wanted to say we should all be proud of ourselves for taking that first step toward quitting. Its a step in the right direction. I know each of us can do this for sure.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I know it's not Wednesday but I need a whine lol. OMG since stopping smoking I have had sleepless nights (which is extremely weird for me as I go to bed late and usually crash till my alarm goes off at 7am) was up at 4:30am this morning after going to bed at 9:45pm which is super early for me, I have not felt anything beneficial yet and yesterday I near had a mental break-down!! So tempted to just pick one up again at least I felt half normal then!!! Why is this time quitting going so hard? I wake up every morning and the first thing to pop in my head is...."smoke n coffee would be nice oh no that's right I quit" grrrr. Don't quiet know what to do.... I am on day 6 now and don't want to have to do these days again but I am being a nightmare to my family :(
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    @deviantdarkwolf: Don't let your body win this fight. It is craving and going through withdrawal. You just have to keep pushing through. It will get better. Focus on why you want to quit. Write about it.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Share day: I have a Master's degree in education but no job. Apparently Texas has decided that the education budget is something that should be cut rather than added to. So no jobs in my city. There is a hiring freeze on teachers. Wish I had known that earlier....maybe I would have gotten my degree in engineering instead LOL
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Okay, I just found this thread. I was wondering why nobody had posted in the other one. Oops! :laugh:

    Today is my first day without a single smoke (just the patch). I tried last week but I guess I was smoking so much before that the patch alone just wasn't getting enough of that edge off, so I went on/off with the patch and weaned myself down on the smoking. Now I feel like I'm doing better! Let's just hope I can last all day.

    The fiance is quitting with me, and he is struggling more than I am... and when he ends up getting a pack cuz he can't take it anymore guess who ends up with no willpower? Me =( Gotta stay strong!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive cut down to under a pack a day,but im not even going to try and give it up for good till after I get moved,I relize now I need a tool to help me so after I get settled I will be purchasing a e cig.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive cut down to under a pack a day,but im not even going to try and give it up for good till after I get moved,I relize now I need a tool to help me so after I get settled I will be purchasing a e cig.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Slipped up but will be back on it tomorrow, not going to get down about it. Putting a bit of pressure on myself so I need to remember to take baby steps and aim one day at a time.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    long story short - this weekend ended up being super stressful and difficult for me, for a multitude of reasons. last night, when we got back to my mom's house, i grabbed a cigarette from my husband without even thinking about the fact that i've 'officially' quit. then i smoked another one today as an excuse to go outside and sit by myself for awhile.

    ugghhhh. . .so, my official last cigarette has been moved to Sunday, June 12, at about 1 PM. but the first time around, i went like 2 weeks straight without smoking, and without even really craving. so long as the moving stress doesn't get to me, i think i'll be okay.
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    It's Monday - which is supposed to be "fact day." - my husband informed me this weekend that there are 4000+ chemicals in cigarettes & CARPET GLUE!

    This weekend I started using the ecig - found a flavor I like & have 1 pack of cigs for the whole week - transition time has started!

    can't wait to see how it goes!
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    long story short - this weekend ended up being super stressful and difficult for me, for a multitude of reasons. last night, when we got back to my mom's house, i grabbed a cigarette from my husband without even thinking about the fact that i've 'officially' quit. then i smoked another one today as an excuse to go outside and sit by myself for awhile.

    ugghhhh. . .so, my official last cigarette has been moved to Sunday, June 12, at about 1 PM. but the first time around, i went like 2 weeks straight without smoking, and without even really craving. so long as the moving stress doesn't get to me, i think i'll be okay.

    Just like watching what we eat, you are doing great - think about how far you have come - and don't stress yourself out about smoking because you were stressed out - you may find yourself on a vicious cycle of stress smoking over stress smoking which will be counterproductive. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE WORTH IT!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Tuesday tip: I had a friend who quit recently tell me that she found frozen grapes to help alot. they tasted good and gave her something to do with her mouth when she had a craving. I haven't tried it yet but I'll let ya'll know. I will try anything I want to quit so bad. I have been struggling as I am sure the rest of you have but I think that this time I really am going to be successful. I also think the rest of you will be too. If we slip up we just have to start again. I used to joke with people who told me I should quit smoking. I would say I did quit. I quit every time I put out my cigarette. It was funny but it sort of rings true. How long can you go before you have to start up again? I think I will be puffing on my e-cig alot today! Baby steps ladies baby steps! We can do this!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Tuesday tips - I've found that suckers work really great when you crave. I've heard other people who cut a straw to about cigarette length and hold it and suck on it.

    I had my 'morning smoke on the way to work while the patch kicks in' today... and right before I got out of my car I dropped my smoke right on my hands and burnt the crap out of 2 of my fingers from the cherry. I decided that I deserved that for having a smoke, and now when I crave I feel the pain in my fingers. Its working so far! :laugh: I have 2 left for the rest of the day. I'm also trying to get back on track with my eating & weight loss (I gained 4.5 lbs) and continue to wean myself off the smokes.
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