They were talking abou me!

jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
Wonderful NSV! I went out to the bars with a friend of mine that lived in Ohio for a few drinks. We met up with a bunch of my friends that I haven't seen in a few months and they were all amazed at how different I look! One actually asked "did you get funnier since you have lost weight??" -- my response? i just feel more comfortable now in a big group of people! Instead of standing in the shadows and trying not to be noticed I have broken out of my little shell and became the life of the party- it was invigorating!!
Then (and this is the NSV I mentioned) we were leaving the bar and i noticed a boy I had a HUGE crush on in highschool, I was still way to shy to walk up and say hi, but as I passed I heard him say to a friend "is that Jenna??- dude, she looks good!"
Needless to say, I was on a confidence high the rest of the night and could barely sleep. I can't wait till I get to my goal weight!

Side note: I have never judged myself on how other people see me and I am losing weight and being healthier for ME- no one else- but sometimes a little compliment can go a long way. :)

Good Luck on everyone's goals! We can do it!!


  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    This is brilliant news. Compliments will boost your confidence and will give you motivation to carry on with what you are doing.

    Well done you! Keep it up!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm SooOoOoOooo happy for you! You're living my own dream! Congrats on all your hard work paying off! :))))
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    That is great! I also try my best for myself, but compliments are nice:D
  • moPOETRYtion
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Congrats! Feels good I know.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thats a fantastic feeling!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Are you kidding! That is awesome! Not that you lost weight just to hear compliments, but they are a huge perk for all the work you have done. You should have talked to him because I bet he would have been really complimentary to your face. Congrats! That is a HUGE NSV!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    That is awesome!!!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    It is true that words bring life or death, a wonderful compliment has us on cloud nine, but a bad word is a drag on the soul, no matter what people say ;-) so proud of you, :-)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    lovely! of course you're doing this for you, and you are reaping the benefits! well done! :flowerforyou:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Yay! Good for you!
  • leaw24
    leaw24 Posts: 22 Member
    A guy you had a crush on in high school saying something like that is surely the ultimate right? Yes I know we are doing it for ourselves, but that's like something from a movie. :) I would lovvve that to happen to me (hopefully one day it will) - congrats on all your progress.
  • UNCTarHeelGirl
    Congrats, girl! Good for you! Compliments are always a great motivation...especially when they're from a cute guy. :love:
  • campbellcjdm
    I picked up a quote from one of my MFP friends: "Nothing tastes, as good as skinny feels."
    You just proved !!! Congrats !!!
  • northernlights907
    Aw thats so cool! Cant wait til I get to that point where people are amazed by how much Ive lost! Im so excited you you :)
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