Heaviest weight ever, and time to make a change!

Hi everyone - 25 year old female, 5'7, just hit 190 lbs. A decade ago (15 years old) I was 5'5, 125lbs. When I was 20, I was around 150-160, 5'7. Over the past 5 years or so I've managed to put on 40 lbs or so. UGH! It's time to make a serious change to my diet! I've used this app on-and-off for about a year, but it's time to really stick to it.

I've been walking pretty consistently on my lunch break, biking to work 3-4 times a week, and took a 2/week body sculpting class at the gym for the last 3 months or so...without much of a change in weight. I did notice some definition in my legs (due to the biking and walking, I assume). I got to the gym yesterday and was able to jog 1 mile in 11 minutes or so without feeling too out of breath, which was somewhat encouraging.

However, my diet is really where I've been struggling. Too much sugar, white bread, pasta...not enough vegetables and lean protein. I also have a problem with portion control and over-eating.

I'm trying out the Community part of this app for the first time, hoping to meet some people going through the same journey to change as myself! I could certainly use the motivation and encouragement!


  • shamani5
    shamani5 Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds like your making a great start! You should feel proud that your making an effort and prioritizing exercise. That's a lot more than most Americans can say. When it comes to food you should try adding a lot more protein and less carbs/sugar. Try it without counting calories for a couple weeks and see if your hunger levels go down. Protein and fiber are the 2 best nutrients for hunger control. Full fat foods should also be in your diet like avacado, coconut oil or butter. Sugar makes you hungrier all while causing your insulin to go up and that means fat storing. Cooking your own meals, eating slower, drinking more water, getting enough sleep and eating without distractions like TV can all help with portion control. Make sure to carry a healthy snack with you so your never starving. Hope this helps! Feel free to add me if you want more advice :)
  • tnnsluvr
    tnnsluvr Posts: 4 Member
    In the same boat. Highest wait. I HAVE to count calories. That is the only thing that makes me stop eating
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome back and welcome to the community portion of MFP. Great advice given by Shamani5 ^^^^. I am 5 months back into making a big push to improve my fitness. The scale has been moving pretty slowly for me however the pounds are coming off slowly but surely. One of the things that helps me is to count everything that I put into my mouth, food or liquid. I use a food scale to measure out my portions and ziploc containers to help measure portions due to most of those containers having measurements on them. Making drastic changes can seem overwhelming so perhaps setting a just for today goal in regards to nutrition. Ie just for today I will drink 5 glasses of water. Hang in there and stay connected. Your MFP family will be there to encourage you each step of the way.