Weight loss as a night nurse?

Hi guys! I'm new here, but not new to try to lose weight. I'm curious to hear from other people who work shift work. I work a typical nurse schedule, 3 nights on (7p-7:30a) then 4 off. On my days off I switch my sleep schedule to a normal schedule. My problem is I have no idea how to balance my eating on days I work. Sometimes I won't feel hungry all night and other nights I snack all night long. Any ideas or suggestions for being more consistent with my eating? Any good night time snack ideas? I don't do energy drinks or soda but I do drink coffee.


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    There are often threads on this topic, but I've only read a few since I'm not a shift worker, however I did gather that it helps if you change your MFP settings time zone so that your shift is all on the one day in your food diary.

    Hope this helps.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Changing your sleep back and forth is hard. Can you sleep the same time every day?
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Hey there, I'm also a nurse and switched from nights to days in February because my body and mind were having such a battle with that Switching mode that you described for your days off. but I was still losing then. I think I lost about 40 lbs when I was working nights using MFP. I just logged everything I had in the past 24 hrs starting with the usual breakfast time. (Cause I had to eat when I got off so that "started" the day for me) and "lunch" logs were whatever I ate before work and "dinner" was my meal at work.at 0200 or whenever.
  • Acuevas414
    Acuevas414 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I find i eat to stay awake sometimes. Skinny popcorn has become my snacking friend. I also pack fruits and vegetables to snack on. However, lately I haven't been doing this. I will follow this thread for helpful hints. Good luck!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I do the 3 7P-7A shifts, but not necessarily all in a row (although tonight is the first of three). First thing I did was change my diary settings to midnight-6A, 6A-noon, noon-6P and 6P-midnight. I keep the midnight to midnight schedule that MFP uses and log my meals under the correct time periods. It just seems easier to me to have all my days be 24 hours long - I know some people like to start their days differently and whatever works for you is the right way to do it. This is mine.

    So, yesterday morning (Friday - since it's after midnight when I'm writing this) I was off. I got up at a normal time, ate breakfast and lunch, took a prework nap, then made a real dinner. I pack a bunch of quick to eat and grab snacks (work in a delivery room, we run on chaos). I prelog my food for the day that morning - it helps me a lot to see what I can do throughout the day. I drink coffee on the way to work (our machine is currently broken, we do have a 24/7 Starbucks but I try to stay away). Before midnight, I finished off Friday's calories with apples/peanbut butter, baby carrots and a Quark cheese cup (google it, looks and tastes like greek yogurt but is a form of cheese) to which I added a tablespoon of chocolate chips.

    It's after midnight, so I try to bring one main protein - tonight was four ounces of rotisserie chicken (sometimes eggs or cottage cheese). Also had more baby carrots and I have one or two other things in my bag. When I go home, something light before I lose consciousness. I'm up at 4, same dinner as yesterday (grilled chicken and a veggie) and same routine. Monday I go home and crash but get up at 1P and try to be "normal" for the rest of the day.

    Works for me. A lot of this is from suggestions I've read on the forums here. Good luck.
  • sallymason88
    sallymason88 Posts: 69 Member
    I work nights, and I also switch back and forth. I find the easiest way is always to count your calories midnight to midnight no matter if you are working or not. try it, it works. you just keep within your count during those hours, re set at midnight, no matter when you are sleeping.
  • eastsidelove0924
    eastsidelove0924 Posts: 235 Member
    edited December 2015
    As weird as it sounds, I set up an eating schedule. I also work 7p-7a three nights a week and flip back to day shift schedule on my nights off. I keep my diary midnight to midnight. So, if I am working one night, then off the next night, I will have less calorie dense snacks after midnight because most likely, I'm going to eat dinner with my family around 6. If it is my first night in, I won't eat until later in the day, maybe 11. Then I eat a big meal before work, then snack from 7-11p. I usually bring enough snacks to eat every two hours. 9p, 11p, 1a (usually my bigger lunch type meal), 3a, 5a and then when I get home in the morning I make a protein shake before bed. I bring easy to grab snacks...beef jerkey sticks, cheese and crackers, hummus and pretzel thins, hard boiled eggs, fruit, nuts, and apple and peanut butter (I think peanut butter is a nurses STAPLE food) :) sometimes I bring a bag of popcorn or oatmeal... Hope this helps!!
  • kdblpn
    kdblpn Posts: 147 Member
    I work nights...i restart my calories at 3pm everyday if i am working or off. Works for me...im down 107 pounds. I eat dinner with my family in the evening. If i am working i have yogurt around 9pm. I eat my lunch around 1am..usually a salad or chicken and a veggie or maybe a homemade wrap. Then around 3am i will have a snack...fruit, cheese, something. When i get off work its treadmill time and then i will eat something small if i am hungry but usually its some water and then to bed. On my days off i start my calories at 3pm. I have dinner with my family then if im up late a bedtime snack. When i wake up in the morning i eat breakfast and lunch around noon. Then at 3pm my calories start over. I like it this way because dinner is usually my biggest meal of the day. If i happen to go over my budgeted calories i can cut back on my other two meals a little or change what i had intended to eat to make it fit.