I know what I need to do to lose weight and get healthy. I have the desire to do it, both for myself and my family. BUT.... all my motivation and will-power seems to have left town :angry: I can't seem to stop myself from eating crap, especially sweets! I make every excuse in the book for why I can't exercise. And I don't know how to stop this behavior. My weight is creeping back up, almost to where I started. Basically, I think I need someone to give me a swift kick in the *kitten*....or two or three or four, or how ever many it takes until I can successfully change my lifestyle. I love all the friends that I have on mfp, but I need something more than the little comments on my status. I need a daily check in buddy who won't give up on me. In return, I would do the same..... I have no problem telling someone else what they should be doing :wink:

PLEASE let me know if you think you can help!!!!! I appreciate anyone who read and even considers this :)


  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    Consider your *kitten* kicked! :wink:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i have the same problem. wish i could help, but i'm too busy snacking out on leftover tuna wraps and chugging my dr pepper.
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    I've been feeling the same way lately, I really want to lose this weight and I know I can, but I've just been making to many excuses.
    I need a good swift kick in the rear too. You aren't alone in feeling this way.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I don't know how good I'd be as a buddy though I'm on here daily, but I tell you, you don't want to get as out of control as I allowed myself to get.
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    I'm new here but add me if you'd like to stay in touch and support each other!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    i have the same problem. wish i could help, but i'm too busy snacking out on leftover tuna wraps and chugging my dr pepper.

  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    there are two tricks i have found that stop me from eating junk, the first is to look at the ingredients list, and if it lists anything 10yr old wouldnt understand what it is (ie all those random acids and phosphates and citrates etc) then I dont want to put it in my body, i am basically poisoning myself, and as i learnt recently, it is your liver that processes your fat and gets rid of it, however if it is too busy doing its other job of keeping your blood clean from nasty chemicals, it wont have time to break down as much fat as it would without this job and 2) how terrible and guilty and how much i feel like i have let myself down after eating too much junk. it makes me stop and think, wow, nothing is worth this feeling, especially when i have done really well all week, so i say to myself, ok, that was a little slip, not the end of the worl as long as you get back on track NOW and do your best not to slip again for a while. obviously, we are all going to slip up a little along the way, so dont let those slip ups deter you from getting back into your weight loss routine. rememeber, you did good for so many day, or meals or hours etc before you slipped up, so you CAN do it again!

    Good Luck! :-) x
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Have you considered adding a professional for support? It sounds like you have a desire to change the behavior but a very hard time with self-control--maybe this is something that a therapist could help you get to the bottom of. Sometimes therapy really helps people get to the bottom of *why* they have the problem with self control. Also, I've heard that hypnosis is often used for weight loss/staying on track. My friend saw a hypnotherapist for weight loss and she said it helped her stay more conscience of her food decisions (i.e. "you walk into the kitchen, and instead of instantly grabbing a snack, you drink a large glass of water"). Sometimes this stuff is bigger than just a kick in the butt. Good luck!! :-)
  • I think a lot of us can absolutely relate to what you are saying. I know I can and for me it has to be something driving me, more than wanting to do it for my child or so that you I can look good for my spouse. It has to be something deep within yourself that goes off when you pick up “crap” and want to eat it. I know that this can sound cliché, but look within yourself and find out your “why”, why you are doing this and this will drive you to your destination. You can do it! Every day that you wake up make a good choice about what to eat, then that one good choice will turn into two, and so on. Hang in there. Start speaking positive words to yourself. "I'm worth it" "I can take control of what I put into my body"
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I don't want to kick you in the rear, but I will tell you that you are the only one that can change your habits. You are the only one who can take responsibility for your own eating and exercising. You are the only one who can change you. You are the only one who chooses what goes into your mouth. You must make the decision daily!

    Hope this helps you some. I don't mean it mean, I just mean it as the plain truth. Feel free to add me as a friend. I really am a nice person. :smile:
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    Do we think there is a way we can all help one another and be accountable? I really am struggling.
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    I know what I need to do to lose weight and get healthy. I have the desire to do it, both for myself and my family. BUT.... all my motivation and will-power seems to have left town :angry: I can't seem to stop myself from eating crap, especially sweets! I make every excuse in the book for why I can't exercise. And I don't know how to stop this behavior. My weight is creeping back up, almost to where I started. Basically, I think I need someone to give me a swift kick in the *kitten*....or two or three or four, or how ever many it takes until I can successfully change my lifestyle. I love all the friends that I have on mfp, but I need something more than the little comments on my status. I need a daily check in buddy who won't give up on me. In return, I would do the same..... I have no problem telling someone else what they should be doing :wink:

    PLEASE let me know if you think you can help!!!!! I appreciate anyone who read and even considers this :)

    Get your *kitten* in gear, woman, and pull yourself together. Stop with the excuses. Enough words, let's see some action.

    How's that? :-)
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    There comes a time in all of our lives when we need to make a decision to take responsibility or not take responsibility for our own destiny. Taking the first step is always the hardest. You can continue to self sabotage the efforts or you can get it together and fight all those habits that got you where you are today and create new healthier habits. If you have small children...think about them growing up with 1 less parent. If you are single with children...think of them growing up with no parent. That's my motivation. Get your head out of your butt and do Zumba with me DAMN IT!!!
  • mzeee
    mzeee Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here so ... not entirely sure of the protocol... but relate to what you say. Only, I don't think the swift kick or the advice is going to make the difference for me... I need something else and I'm not sure what it is.
    I know all the ways to lose weight... eat less, exercise more, drink more water, keep a diary, etc.
    But there is still this overwhelming compulsion to eat, and eat, and eat... even when I am full.
    What is that about?!!! It's like an addiction as near as I can tell.
    And yet, one of the biggest challenges is not beating myself up and then walking away from doing anything that is good for me.
    Concurrently, I don't need to much phony encouragement or I get p.o'd with the trite insincerity of it all.
    Damned if I do and damned if I don't.
    Is that your experience at all?
    I wonder if accountability is something that would work in my case... but then there's the shame if I fail. Hmmm....
    I definitely could use some connectedness with a real person... someone who has no trouble discussing the vagaries of existence. Does that interest you?
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member

    Get your *kitten* in gear, woman, and pull yourself together. Stop with the excuses. Enough words, let's see some action.

    How's that? :-)

    THANK YOU!!!!!! It's perfect!!!

    Also, thank you to everyone else. It truly helps to know that others are facing the same struggles as I am. I appreciate your comments....whether they were advice, "tough love" or just plain sympathy. I KNOW that I need to just suck it up and DO THIS!!!! Your words help give me strength and confidence, and I know that I will turn this around! Thanks again!
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    Glad I could be of help. I'm a strong believer in "tough love" and don't sugar coat anything. I think it comes from being a teacher. I hear so many excuses all day long, and I'm not afraid to call BS on them with my kids.

    Not to say that I don't find myself giving excuses from time to time; I do. And when I do, I expect my friends to call BS on them as well.

    None of our lives are *that* difficult to where we "can't" stop eating sweets, etc. But we can only stop it if we really want to. For me, when things in life go crazy, at least my exercise and eating are the things that I do have control over.

    Excuses out, results in.