The stuggle is real !

Tomorrow will be my first day logging on my new account ! New start and new goals . I am a 32 year old mama of 3 . After my last baby I lost 50lbs and he is now 2 and I have gained back 20lbs . I am on a mission to lose a total of 30 lbs putting me at 190 :) feel free to add me I am always looking for new friends and motivation ! Good luck all of you on your missions to be healthy


  • Jenntones
    Jenntones Posts: 6 Member
    I am exactly in the same boat! Lost all baby weight (60lbs) & then at 19 months later I had gained about 25! I am 160lbs, trying to get to 140 again. My clothes had gotten snug after too much fast food while we bought our first house with lots of renovations.

    Anyways, hi! I'm going to add you!
  • mrsrich03
    mrsrich03 Posts: 3 Member
    Life tends to take over and you let yourself and your routine lag. Time to get it back but find a way to make it work for the long run :)
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    Ladies--right there with you!! I am older than you both--45, but two years ago lost 20 pounds and now am back up 23. UGH. Today I am 163. I want to be 140--that's what I was two years ago. I got a promotion at my job and it's SOOO many hours and I almost forget to eat and then eat like the entire bag of Skinny Pop with a cookie chaser. Not good. So here's to losing that pesky 20 pounds!!!
  • samirae1992
    samirae1992 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat I'm 167.5 weigh in today and I would love to be back down to the 140 135 range! My wedding is in August and my best friend wedding is in April I have a size 6 dress I have to fit in to and I'm a size 12 dress :( I hope I can get it done
  • AppleGrapeMSTK
    AppleGrapeMSTK Posts: 16 Member
    I also lost 40lb after my last baby and gained about 15lb back over the last year. I turned 30 last week, so my goal is to hit 130s this year. I also have 3 kidlets.