I can't motivate myself

I have been binge eating and can't motivate myself


  • CristalSCarter
    CristalSCarter Posts: 28 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, I've given in half way through the week and decided I might as well eat bad the rest of the week and get it all out but you won't ever get it all out. The more you eat it the more your body will crave it. I've also told myself I'll just start over next week. You have to start eating cleaner tomorrow instead of waiting, not next week or next year for a new year's resolution. I had to pretty much re-program my body to like healthier, clean foods. Before you know it a couple weeks will go by and you won't even notice then you'll start to realize the bad food isn't worth it. When I have fast food and junk now it just isn't as appetizing. You have to try new things and substitute your cravings. Look up recipes, watch YouTube for good ideas on meals to eat and good workout routines, buy new gym clothes to motivate you to hit the gym, try healthier desserts, and take it a day at a time. If you do this you'll feel you've earned a bit of a treat once or twice a week but overall you need to be consistent and have good eating habits like grabbing a fruit as a snack naturally instead of reaching for something like candy.
  • Marqiiz
    Marqiiz Posts: 707 Member
    I motivate myself a couple different ways. 1. Gotta have good music at the gym. 2. I talk to people at the gym that are positive. 3. I look up motivational speeches on YouTube. LASTLY hit it hard for 1 month. Put in 110% in your diet & your workouts. The results alone will catapolt you in a positive mind set. I hope I helped a bit.
  • Haileyyougotthis
    Go to YouTube and Watch Mel Robbins video "how to stop screwing yourself" it motivated the heck out of me!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I don't like to bear bad news, but motivation always comes from within... if you can't motivate yourself now, do you have any ideas what you're looking for here that you are thinking might help you find the motivation within yourself? Are you looking for friends, for cheerleaders, for a hand-holder, for a video like the one mentioned above? A gym buddy, a running partner or group in real life? Would signing up with a trainer have any value for you (for me once I sign up or commit to something like that it becomes a non-negotiable NOT QUITTING kind of thing)?
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    motivation is often a transient and fickle tool. relying purely on motivation insures lack of results. building habits is the best way to circumvent the need for motivation all the time. instead of trying to use a massive amount of motivation to stop binge eating, use a small amount of motivation to develop a healthy habit, that will later lead you to stop binge eating. i don't know your situation, but for example, you can start a habit of logging in your food, no matter how much or what you eat. or you can start a habit of exercising twice a week, or eating 2 cups of green veggies a day. it doesn't really matter what you start with. success breeds success. start building habits with small things, and you'll be able to build habits for the bigger things. it won't be an overnight change, but it will happen with slow and prodding steps. good luck!
  • gbutler0140
    gbutler0140 Posts: 25 Member
    I believe you can motivate yourself.... You're probably stronger than you thought.
    What inspires you?