Success- Not a total transformation but One Year in, 53 down.... w/ pics

IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
edited September 2015 in Success Stories
53 down 44 to go!

The first pic is near my highest of 276. Second is This week at 223. Third is Nov. last year and fourth was a couple months ago. It doesn't look like a lot of weight lost but I feel so much better. I can't wait to get the rest of it off!

I am a 5 ft 7.5 in. 37 year old female
GW-179 after reassesing, could be 150 give or take... Depends on the recomp. progress for me.
I started in a sz 20-22 and am now into 16's.
The first three months I lost 30 lbs. I had to slow down a bit, so the rest came off slowly after that.
I count calories and am super lazy! have just made off and on efforts with exercise. I do do more now that my calories are getting too low to just keep calories down. Plus I want to keep more muscle.
I use various methods to stay active. Not usually all at once I walk, ride my recumbent bike, get on my elliptical, embarrassingly use my shake wait while I watch tv, do twist board, bands, plate weight activities, my x-box kinect, body weight exercises, isometrics, dumb bells, kettlebells, body weight exercises and child playing! I need lots of options to choose from so by the time I'm bored of one set of things I have cycled back around to the first thing I was bored with. Gotta keep it interesting! Looking forward to rollerblades as my next goal reward...

I am very big on self motivation. I reward myself every 5-10 lbs lost and when I hit hard/big goals I get a bigger reward. (all non-food related and mostly fitness related.) When I hit Onderland I will fly a plane, when I hit gw I will get laser hair removal and after recomp a cruise! There are varying rewards 'till then. Like a portable stepper, folding treadmill, more weights, etc. (I LOVE lifting heavy things!!!!)

I know you hear "If I can do it so can you," A lot. I am sure it is true for most cases. Including this one. But it is true. I am lazy, lazy, lazy!
I found a stride that works for me. I looked at all the info. and fine tuned stuff along the way.
I keep and eye on myself and what's going on in my life. Logically and emotionally. It has helped me learn even more about myself, how I think and feel AND how to deal with things better. Yep, it's a journey and I've got a ways to go, but it is working for me so far! I encourage you all and am encourage by you all. MFP has beeb instrumental to my changes and most everyone on here is awesome! We can do this! We ARE doing this!



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