Depression will not stop the weight! !



  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to welcome everyone who is new to this thread!!!

    In response to some things on here I would like to say this;

    I started this thread not to learn exercises or be told to get on a schedule or this or that. Dealing with depression is more then "just set this goal and do it". I wanted a place for like minded women who need the emotional support that comes with weight loss and depression. Weight loss is important, but being healthy and happy are more important than any routine or goal. I've set goals but, they are milestones and never a "perfection" goal. Let's be real for a minute. There is no such thing as perfection, and someone that is dealing with or has dealt with depression would not recommend that type of goal to another person with depression. It sets you up for failure by setting expectations so high that when you don't reach it things can get worse.

    Finally I did not want this to be a thread that would discourage anyone or make someone think that having that 2lb weight loss goal isn't enough. Depression is an entity that we all must respect and acknowledge. It will always be a small part of most of us and once again is the reason for this thread, to support one another on those days that we don't want to get out of bed, or don't want to take that shower that we know we need, or for the days that we need to hear that it's ok that you ate that bacon burger or doughnuts. This is for emotional support and tips on how to balance the emotion and physical sides of weightloss journeys.

  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    I am so with this. I don't have quite as much to lose, but I dance so it does matter a lot to me. I am 154 right now, I think, and I want to take off 20, may be 30lbs. Which I know doesn't sound quite as much as a 100, but I still have been struggling to take off any weight. I have build muscle, I have more energy...but the weight is another thing. Every time I lose some, I get right back to bad habits, and reverse. Finally I'm getting back to it again since last week, and I've already seen results, so I am optimistic that perhaps this time I am ready for change. I would like to have lost at least 10lbs, perhaps 15, by mid-february. I would even like to say 20, but let's not push it.
    I do get the emotional eating part a lot. That's the only reason I haven't lost all the weight yet, since I do train regularly, a lot.
    May be we should start a group actually, where we can put threads?

    Welocme!!! Congratulations on your weight loss so far and 100lbs or 10lbs, they are still unwanted. I think that your goal to lose 15 by February is realistic, and you can do it!!! :) One thing I can say is when I'm upset or mad or have that craving for something I smell it.... and wait 20 minutes and see if the craving passes. It gives me enough time to calm down and also allows me to see if I'm really hungry or if I'm just eating to eat. I am more then willing to share my tricks or just to be an ear to anyone here. I know you will do amazing on this journey. :)
  • LBL1986
    LBL1986 Posts: 58 Member
    @brriittany How do you feel about starting a group on MFP as an offshoot of this thread? It might help for some us newbies and its a good place to share more thoughts about all of this. Just an idea!

  • ScarlettFever85
    ScarlettFever85 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first time using the "Community" option on MFP. I have used MFP in the past and been happy with the results. I have never considered myself a depressed person and have always been very active. However, over the last 4 years I have experienced some extremely difficult trials with the loss of 3 babies, as well as the death of a loved one and almost losing my Mom. I have gained more weight than ever and feel like every day is a struggle to get out of bed. I don't even recognize who I am anymore. This depression is affecting my health, my relationships, and my happiness. I want so badly to feel like myself again. I am ready to make a change for the better and would love to have the support of dedicated, motivated friends to help me toward that goal. I will do my best to be there for you too! As I mentioned, I'm new to this community thing, so hopefully I'll be able to find this thread again so I can keep in touch. Someone mentioned a "group" option... How does that work?
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Ladies, please. We are all depressed sometimes and we do eat to get that endorphins dancing. But eating is just one thing we could do to fight depression. As few here noted exercise is the other.

    The best thing however is to focus not on how to get rid of the depression and the extra pounds.
    But to focus on smth more positive.

    Focus on smth that is really going to stick positively in your mind.

    For example. Set a goal to be at a specific target weight with a target bodyfat.

    Generally, I would advice to focus on the bodyfat goal. Set a number. Do measurements once a month and keep going until you get there.

    Know that it will take a lot of time to get to that goal. And have this goal as a perfection goal, which you can strive the rest of your life.

    But set it realistic. For example if you are a housewife dont set a bodyfat goal of 4% which even elite athletes rarely reach.

    As we all know a balanced "right" diet and exercise transform as physically and mentally, I think we should all remember why we are doing what we are doung.
    Of course getting leaner, sexier and healthier are good reasons.

    But isnt a goal that is important also for other people worth more?
    Being sexy for you partner.
    Being leanier in order to play better sports,
    Get healthier to be able to help other people who arent healthy.

    Those goals sound way better than I want to loose a certain amount of weight. Isnt that right?

    The fact that you are serious about this is great but I would very much recommend to start eating smart and training smart.
    Do your own research.

    I personally researched this topic so much and found that John Bernardi and especially John Kiefer are providing the best methods to achieve all of your goals.

    Ok, I'm just going to comment that these kinds of posts are annoying to me. Why? Because clinical depression can't be driven away with 'thinking positive'. This is the kind of attitude that prevents people from seeking help when they need it. If you're going through a bad time, that's one thing. Everyone has times they feel down or sad, that's part of life. In that case, focusing on the good things in life is helpful and can make a difference. But for someone with clinical depression, this doesn't work and I don't know about anyone else, but it makes me feel worse because it doesn't work.

    I'm not saying everyone that is depressed needs medical help. For some, a very mild depression can be helped with diet and exercise. And you should totally try that and see if it helps. But if it doesn't and you end up in a place where you can't shake bad feelings and thoughts or more serious things like self harm, you do need medical help and there's no shame in doing that. I am on meds and it was the best thing I could do because know I can interact better with people and don't have the fail cycle running through my head. It's not a 'happy pill', it simply helps me balance my emotions, as well as help me cope with crowds for longer before I start to get anxiety.


    Sorry, but that's a big issue for me, and if it is for others, I wanted them to know they're not alone in thinking this. Diet and exercise are good, but some of us need some extra help and all the positive thinking in the world is useless if you can't keep it from turning to negative thoughts.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hello I would not consider myself depressed but I am an emotional eater. Lately I have been down worrying about things I have no control over and it has really taken a toll on my motivation to exercise and to eat right. I know that I am at my heaviest( I refuse to get on a scale) and I hate to look at myself in the mirror. Right now my self esteem is at an all time low. I would love to be a part of this group. Maybe talking about what is bothering me before I overeat will help to lose weight. Anyone feel free to add me and we can battle this thing together.
  • ChamayneF
    ChamayneF Posts: 12 Member
    I think starting a group is great idea!
    dubird wrote: »

    Sorry, but that's a big issue for me, and if it is for others, I wanted them to know they're not alone in thinking this. Diet and exercise are good, but some of us need some extra help and all the positive thinking in the world is useless if you can't keep it from turning to negative thoughts.

    I agree 100% dubird! I know people mean well when they say to "think positive" but it's halfhearted and insensitive advice to give someone with clinical depression or even someone going the situational depression. There's a difference between being sad and being depressed. I was one of those people who thought just thinking positive would solve everything and that people who were depressed are simply just negative (myself included). It wasn't until I was diagnosed and tried medication that I truly did realize it's more than just will power over your thoughts.

    While I agree that will power and positive thinking can be beneficial for a multitude of conditions, sometimes you need more than that, and that's ok too.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    ChamayneF wrote: »
    I think starting a group is great idea!
    dubird wrote: »

    Sorry, but that's a big issue for me, and if it is for others, I wanted them to know they're not alone in thinking this. Diet and exercise are good, but some of us need some extra help and all the positive thinking in the world is useless if you can't keep it from turning to negative thoughts.

    I agree 100% dubird! I know people mean well when they say to "think positive" but it's halfhearted and insensitive advice to give someone with clinical depression or even someone going the situational depression. There's a difference between being sad and being depressed. I was one of those people who thought just thinking positive would solve everything and that people who were depressed are simply just negative (myself included). It wasn't until I was diagnosed and tried medication that I truly did realize it's more than just will power over your thoughts.

    While I agree that will power and positive thinking can be beneficial for a multitude of conditions, sometimes you need more than that, and that's ok too.

    Yeah, I wish I could think of a way to tactfully and nicely tell someone that too. I mean, if someone is being nice and trying to help, I don't want to hurt their feelings either, but I'm not sure how to bring it up without sounding overly sensitive myself, ya know?
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    ChamayneF wrote: »
    I think starting a group is great idea!
    dubird wrote: »

    Sorry, but that's a big issue for me, and if it is for others, I wanted them to know they're not alone in thinking this. Diet and exercise are good, but some of us need some extra help and all the positive thinking in the world is useless if you can't keep it from turning to negative thoughts.

    I agree 100% dubird! I know people mean well when they say to "think positive" but it's halfhearted and insensitive advice to give someone with clinical depression or even someone going the situational depression. There's a difference between being sad and being depressed. I was one of those people who thought just thinking positive would solve everything and that people who were depressed are simply just negative (myself included). It wasn't until I was diagnosed and tried medication that I truly did realize it's more than just will power over your thoughts.

    While I agree that will power and positive thinking can be beneficial for a multitude of conditions, sometimes you need more than that, and that's ok too.

    Completely agree. I get that from my mom all the time. I think it's mostly a case of "If you haven't been there, you don't know what's it's like". When people say this, it usually just makes me feel worse.

    Even though I lost weight and have kept it off doesn't mean I don't still get depressed. I do, and it can be tough. I've stayed on track by finding ways to keep to my schedule and routine and goals despite my depression. For me that meant turning to exercise instead of food to try to feel better or burn off that nervous energy, changing my mindset toward food to think of it as fuel, and pre-planning so when I get really low I can stick to my plan without even thinking much about it.
  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    LBL1986 wrote: »
    @brriittany How do you feel about starting a group on MFP as an offshoot of this thread? It might help for some us newbies and its a good place to share more thoughts about all of this. Just an idea!

    I Would love to do that and I will look into that right now. I believe it is needed. Thank you for letting me know it can be done. ;)
  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    This is my first time using the "Community" option on MFP. I have used MFP in the past and been happy with the results. I have never considered myself a depressed person and have always been very active. However, over the last 4 years I have experienced some extremely difficult trials with the loss of 3 babies, as well as the death of a loved one and almost losing my Mom. I have gained more weight than ever and feel like every day is a struggle to get out of bed. I don't even recognize who I am anymore. This depression is affecting my health, my relationships, and my happiness. I want so badly to feel like myself again. I am ready to make a change for the better and would love to have the support of dedicated, motivated friends to help me toward that goal. I will do my best to be there for you too! As I mentioned, I'm new to this community thing, so hopefully I'll be able to find this thread again so I can keep in touch. Someone mentioned a "group" option... How does that work?

    Welcome!! We are going to start a group and as long as you're in my friends list I will personally email everyone. As far as your losses my prayers and thoughts are with you. We as a group will be here for each other and will do our best to help one another. You have taken the first step and now you won't be alone for the rest of this journey!! :) I'm excited for you and what you can acomplish :)
  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    Alright everyone I have started the group and it is named after this thread!! Please feel free to join!!!
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    I have battled with anxiety in the past. It takes over your entire life and you can no longer think straight.

    To the person who said that we just need to think positive. I realize that you probably mean well. But that doesn't work and saying that is harmful. Depression is not the same as having a bad day. Please understand that I am not trying to be critical of you, simply to educate you.
  • findingmyway2fit
    findingmyway2fit Posts: 17 Member
    I think a group is a great idea!

    And, just for my two cents, telling someone with depression to "think positive" is insulting, as if that's all it takes to cure it. If that were the case, nobody would ever be depressed again and life would be like going to Disneyland every day. Comments like that are why a lot of people never seek out the help they need.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone in the group :)
  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    @nade0069 and @findingmyway2fit
    I want to let you both kow this is the thread and not the actual group. If you are interested I can add you later or you can join in the group section under community. Just search for the group which is under the same name as this thread. Look forward to this group growing and see in yall there.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    There's a pretty long, but really good, thread on depression and weight loss on the General Diet and Weight Loss board. Might be worth a read. :smile:

    Lots of support, you are so much more than depression and more than a number on a scale. Cheers to getting healthy on many levels!!! :smiley:

    Here's the link to that thread:

    This has been my experience - I've turned to food, but it doesn't really help, whereas exercise sure does:

  • myadavis
    myadavis Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I also suffer from depression and anxiety. I gained a 90lbs and was at my heaviest of 260 because of side effects of medication, and overeating. I have lost 9lbs since i started using this app a week ago! It is great that there is a group for this. it is so important that this is addressed!
  • brriittany
    brriittany Posts: 29 Member
    myadavis wrote: »
    Hi! I also suffer from depression and anxiety. I gained a 90lbs and was at my heaviest of 260 because of side effects of medication, and overeating. I have lost 9lbs since i started using this app a week ago! It is great that there is a group for this. it is so important that this is addressed!

    Welcome, please do join our group. Or I can add you.
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Hello @brriittany I would love to join the group. I think it is a really good thing, but I can not find it, have tried to search. Is there a way you can send me an invite or a link?

  • ScarlettFever85
    ScarlettFever85 Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't been able to find the group either