I am struggling to eat enough calories



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    A lot of the stuff people are saying is... just a bunch of myths that have been developed over the years. YOU NEED a caloric deficit to lose weight, from your profile looks like that is your goal. So don't make a "smaller" caloric deficit by stuffing your face with food. If you're not hungry, why eat more??? trying to train yourself to over eat or what? here are some scientific studies. not going to get in to the details of how or why it works. Just watch your macro nutrient ratios, have the majority of your meals as protein. Unless you're doing competitive sports. Just let me say this, when you eat, you increase insulin which prevents fat being released from the body. Yes it can be done, but it's harder.

    fasting burns 5 times more fat.

    Weight training prevents muscle loss on a low calorie diet

    Multiple feedings has no effect on the BMR or Active metabolic rate

    breakfast slows down oxidation

    fasting longer than 6hrs increses fat oxidation,

    /sigh...here we go again.

    Dude, if this were the case, we could all live on supplements and not eat at all. So why don't we all just starve ourselves and lose lots of weight??

    And once again...when handing out potentially dangerous information...flying in the face of accepted, safe dieting practices...you forgot to mention that those practices are 'myths' IN YOUR OPINION!! It's amazing how those myths have helped thousands upon thousands of people lose weight...and who knows how many right here on this board.


    cris, since we're on topic of eating less or more. You said you lost weight by eating more calories. In one of my post, you also mentioned you changed a few things, i think you added exercise, or lowered carbs or something. You can't say "i increased my food and i lost weight "if you increase your workout too

    Actually, I'll clarify what I said. I said I was eating 2000+ cal/day (recording everything but not setting a real limit...using 2000 or more as a target), with a mix of fast food and whole foods as my staple diet...doing 3 days a week worth of bodyweight exercises (high intensity), and lost 20lbs in a month. I came to MFP, which recommended 1530cal/day (I set it up wrong at 2lb/wk...there's no clear instructions on the phone app)...maintained the same exercise routine, and my weight loss basically stalled completely. Three weeks in (two weeks ago), I began eating more again, swapped to a zig zag calorie intake setup, and cut carbs with purpose (trying to be near 50g/day) rather than eating my typical 100-150g carbs/day. Last Monday I switched to P90x instead of my three day full body bodyweight routine. I'm still flatlined for now, varying up and down between 189-192 throughout the week (my normal variance). To shake things up more...I've started doing dedicated tabata style cardio intervals every morning starting this morning, changing up what form they take every day.

    So there it is spelled out specifically.

    It still doesn't prove your theory. With 600cal/day plus in deficit from P90x (based on my polar FT7), and daily intakes ranging from 1700cal to 2100cal zig zagged plus some of those exercise calories back...I'm not gaining weight like your theories say I should. I'm not losing it right now for whatever reason (probably something I have screwed up)...but I'm certainly not gaining.
  • dahlstromdanae
    I have the same problem with getting my caloric intake up to 1200/day. I eat, I just eat when I am hungry, and i have only been sticking to fresh fruits, veggies and white meat (turkey, chicken), no red meat. I try to keep my protein intake up, while the sugars down. I do splurge every so often on a DQ mini blizzard.......

    I just stick with my gut....i eat when I'm hungry and I snack healthy. I do my 30 day shred in the morning and feel great the rest of day! In fact, I have had more energy then I did 2 weeks ago when I started.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I am having the same problem since cutting out food I'm sensitive to (grains and most high GI foods). Who knew it would be so difficult. :grumble: All I can say is keep at it. :flowerforyou: