Anxious about summer and having kids home from school

SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
I am having a hard time with anxiety over this upcoming summer and having the kids (12, 9 and 5) home with me all day. I stay at home, so I don't get away much and I am not sure what we will all do to keep entertained and to stop boredom and laziness from setting in. Since I have lost 1/2 of my goal, I have more energy and will be up for more activities than ever before and I am looking for ideas of things we could do during the week while hubby works PLUS fun weekend thing that will keep us all happy, fresh, and SANE (and not wanting to all kill eachother - LOL)

Any suggestions? I live in the Northeast.


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I am in NE as well..And I have to admit I am petrified of school closing...LOL
    maybe because I don't have any help or family in the area
    I found an inexpensive summer camp and am sending them (6 and 7) 9-3, 3 days a week..if not I think I would def. go batty!
    We are also planning a trip to Sesame still love it...the shore..and maybe Hershey

    Good luck and here is to staying sane!
  • marysmartypants
    marysmartypants Posts: 7 Member
    Visit the zoo (if you have one), go to the library (it's free!), maybe a road trip to a nearby desitnation? Whatever you decide, you'll find it easier if you plan in advance so both you and the kiddos know what to expect (every Friday is library day, etc.).

    Good luck- if I think of anything else, I'll check back in...

  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    Must admit it's going to be a hard one, not looking forward to it much. Hoping for lots of long walks and maybe swimming during the week, weekends are tricky as husband doesn't like going out so spend it at home indoors.Do try to get up and exercise before kids are awake but doesn't always work!!! My youngest will play on wii with me but tends to take over lol! Will take each day as it cones and keep fingers crossed it doesn't work out too badly. All we can do, the joys of being a parent!!

    Hope it all goes well, be strong x
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Park!! Zoo membership!! (totally worth it), buy a kiddie pool..... (10-20 bucks?) Have them be active with you. I know at first they may not be into it, but I know they will love that mom is taking time to have fun and be healthy with them. I understand your anxiety though!!

    Try to remember that all the "food" we by for kids (really Junk) is bad for both YOU and them!!

    Hope I am helping.
    OH..and I have an AWESOME new hobby that is free.

    Geocaching.. (its like a huge treasure hunt!)

    Check out and then Utube some videos by "Head Hard Hat" He has some itroductory instructional videos.!! Kids LOVE this!!