30 day shred. Day 1 - OMG



  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I did day 2 this morning. Before re-starting, I did day 1 about 2 or 3 times. It is hard. But I did get to day 3 once, and it started getting easier. You will notice that you are getting stronger and stronger every day!

    A couple of tips- if you need to take a breather, then do it! This morning, I had to take a couple of little breaks just to pant like a dog and get some water. Don't listen to Jillian- you're allowed to take small breaks if it helps you get through the whole thing! AND take a break if you need water! No harm in that. Give it your all, and you'll be able to make it through the whole thing soon enough. I really hate that she's all like "NO BREAKS! Rawr!" so I just mute her and turn on my music. I'd rather take a 10 second breather, have some water, and then get back into it, instead of pushing myself until I pass out or hurt myself some other way.

    Don't be discouraged. Yes- the program works better if you follow her and barrell through the whole thing without taking breaks. BUT if you can't do that right now, that's ok. You might have to work up to it (like I am doing). Don't be discouraged, just keep working at it and you will get there! Add me if you wanna be shred buddies :)
  • sparky11
    sparky11 Posts: 9 Member
    three days ago I couldnt even do 5 minutes on a bike.. let alone anything else... now Im up to 15 minutes.. as one previous poster said.. baby steps! youll get there :)
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    You did more than many people by getting through 10 mins of the DVD.

    You'll retry tomorrow (you may be a little sore tomorrow, if so consider the day after) and you can only do better. Eventually you'll be doing the entire workout without stopping.

    If you do give up tomorrow... instead, give yourself 5 mins to cool down and regain some strength. Then try to keep going from where you left off. Jillian does say "no breaks", but in this case it's better than switching it off altogether - also she's never going to know :tongue:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I'm just finished Day 9 on Level 1. You will get through it, you will be sore and it will get easier. Just don't stop trying. No matter what.
  • Whatchuwant
    When I really feel like dying, I pause the DVD, walk it out and then put it back on. Don't quit! Don't stop! You don't have to keep up with them for every second and don't feel bad about pausing for a minute. The more you keep up with it (and do it straight through, even if it takes you an hour), the better you'll feel and the longer you'll be able to go the next time.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    She allows you to take a 5 second break and you can take as many as you want. But only 5 seconds! Don't give up,it is hard,I know! But do not give up "If you want results in 20 minutes you gotta work for it!" Jillian Michaels
  • SarahE12345
    I have been doing it.... I must say, I wanted to die and I hated Jillian Michaels.

    I was soaked in sweat and my body hurt so bad but I pushed myself to finish it (even though I did a half *kitten*...not even....job at it).

    When I woke up the next day I wanted to cry because my muscles were so achey. But I did day two, which I was dreading. However, I found that when I started working out, I did not notice the pain as much.

    For the next couple days I was still very soar. I was not really doing any other exercise with it because it was enough on its own.

    I am about 15 days in right now and took only 2 days off. I am doing 30 days on level 1 then 30 days on level 2 and then 30 days on level 3. I must say, I am now kicking *kitten* (still tired and cant wait for it to be done) but I am able to finish and feel good when I am done (and I do not hate jilliam michaels anymore). BUT HERE IS THE BEST PART.... I have been doing up to 60 minutes additional cardio with it and still dont feel like I am going to die for the most part!

    STICK WITH IT, IT DOES GET EASIER... Push yourself to finish, even if you half *kitten* it in order to finish :) YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • wantconfidence
    omg yeah i own that workout dvd that is super tough every time ive used it i thought id die ive never made it the full 30 days
    i hope to stick with it for the full 30 days sumtime

    you did day one you sooo did not fail you tryed and thats that hardest part keep ur head up and keep up the good work :happy:
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member

    look at it this way... you are already aware that you need to work on your fitness. The fact that you only completed 10 minutes could actually work towards your advantage!! It gives you somewhat of a "snapshot" of your fitness level, just like someone would do on their Day 1 of taking a picture of themselves physically so they can compare the "before" and "after." Today was your "before" fitness mental snapshot... now tomorrow, work towards completing 13-15 minutes, and soon, work to complete all of it! Once you do this, you'll start noticing that the workouts get easier, and you can complete them with better coordination, form, and agility!
    Then you can look back on this Day 1 and you can remember how hard it was today... and then smile then because you can FEEL how far you've come!!

    Turn this into a positive thing my dear, and if you do, it could give you an extra boost of motivation you didn't know you could get!!

  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I just got it this evening and was petrified to try it, but in the end i built up the courage to do it and I actually really enjoyed it! Yes my arms were burning up, my legs completely jellified, sweat pouring down my face, but in a really weird way it was fun!! I was able to complete the 20minutes altogether but even though she kept saying theres no breaks, you have to keep going to burn as much, I had to pause it and run down stairs for a bottle of water! I was sooooo thirsty!!

    But overall I enjoyed it! Keep at it and you'll be fine! Try follow the modified version that might help!! :)
  • sarahavery
    sarahavery Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks everyone. its good to here everyones motivating comments when im feeling a bit sad at not completing it. but i guess its a bit more exercise than i would have done before. what do you log JM 30DS on here as?
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I'm halfway through Level 2. When I first started on Level 1 I could barely go down the stairs in the morning when I woke up and was that way for about four days. Just keep going as far as you can every day and before you know it you will be through the entire workout! You are not a failure!

    I do have one suggestion, after you are familiar with the moves and can concentrate on watching the TV while working out, turn off the volume on the TV!!!!!!! and turn on your ipod! I have to admit when the workout starts getting intense I can't stand listening to her! and the music makes it much more bearable!!!!!

    "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    The main thing is you did try that is the first step. Jillian doesn't play around. When I first did 30-day shred, I had to take many breaks, but by the end, I could do it without any breaks. Just keep doing it!! You will get stronger and your endurance will increase. Even if you can only do 10 mins for a week or so, atleast you are trying. Keep it up!!! Jillian will give you great results, trust me.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    If you have to go way slower, or do fewer reps to get through the whole thing, then do so. Maybe don't push as hard and then you can finish the entire workout, then the next day try a little harder, and a little harder! Until you are able to push at your max and make it through the entire time!

    Great job starting it out - I don't read this as a failure at all!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks everyone. its good to here everyones motivating comments when im feeling a bit sad at not completing it. but i guess its a bit more exercise than i would have done before. what do you log JM 30DS on here as?

    I have been logging mine under 20 minutes of circuit training
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Keep going! It get's easier. You did the first step. I'm only a week in and I love it!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    The first day is by far the worst! My legs were sore for 4 days (like I could barely walk up and down the stairs kinda sore, it was bad) but it was much better the 2nd time, and kept getting better after that. Just try to stick it out through the whole workout next time, and keep moving forward! I'm glad I started with the 30-day shred at home, now that I take fitness classes at my gym I can keep up when they do jumping jacks and jump rope!