
ea917 Posts: 6 Member
hei my name Amie an I've here before but need help I feel so uncomfortable in myself I feel down an low I need advice help me lose weigh get me out of this rut im in, my clothes r tight I feel unhappy in myself I eating even tho I feel hungry I get to stage i eat so much makes me feel sick that I can't eat no more

I need help anyone can give me friendly advice


  • kirstyclarke3705
    kirstyclarke3705 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Amie, I know exactly how you feel, I do the same & I'm feeling the same so low :( trying to get back on the right track and eating healthier again and cutting things out, have you tried slimming world before?
  • ea917
    ea917 Posts: 6 Member
    Yea I try slimming world sadly I had stop goin due financial reason but I thought I try this again as it was free