Needing some words of encouragement~

So I had been doing extremely well until 3 days ago that time of the month came and my better eating habits went. Am I the only one with this problem? Now I feel guilty and icky and terrified I won't get back on track. I need some positivity.


  • theterriblesecret_
    I totally know what you go through . Being a woman is hard in that respect . I blame hormones . But when my time of the month comes , the kitchen is a death trap . I will eat any and everything I see . It doesn't matter if I'm a big fan of it or not , it's in my belly . Just hang in there and don't hang onto your failures . Look and celebrate your successes , the ones you've already accomplished . Don't look over the ones you haven't quite gotten yet , they'll come with patience , persistence and love for yourself :) you got this !
  • 1meh
    1meh Posts: 94 Member
    You are NOT the only one! In fact I'm about to rant about that in a moment ( I will not rant on your thread, promise) but will get back on track. I know you will. You are such an amazing person who even bothered to start this journey. So tomorrow, you are going to do better. It might not be your best, because hey, we all have bad weeks, but it will be better than the last few days. And then, you will be back on the path to great health. And next time you have bump, you'll know that is all it is. A bump, not something that can stop you from being the great person who IS doing extremely well.
  • sarahsunshine4
    sarahsunshine4 Posts: 15 Member
    aww thanks that was just what i needed
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    You're totally not the only one ... I just finished the mine and it was almost impossible to stay on track. I didn't want to exercise cause of the cramps and I certainly didn't want to eat well, I wanted comfort food while I was hurting. So it's not just you. Remember, it's the overall achievement. I'm just starting to realize that I should account for that 5 days a month when I'm just not going to stick to the plan and account for it on other days. :) You'll get back on track when you stop feeling crappy.
  • sarahsunshine4
    sarahsunshine4 Posts: 15 Member
    I am happy to report that I am back on track for today anyway. Thank you all for your positivity it really helped to know that I am not alone. You all are rock stars thank you!