Just started and already fell off the bandwagon...

Ok... So I'm just trying to get back with it and find my motivation. Was doing ok for a few days and then the cravings kicked my butt and I gave in. I'm just finding it super hard with all the temptations in my face with Holidays. I know it's just an excuse but I almost if I'm setting myself up for failure at this time of year or am I just being lazy and giving into my food addiction .... Just feeling really frustrated and down on myself.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Maybe reevaluate your goals and your language. Food is a necessity of life, not an addiction. What you choose to eat is within your control. As long as you think it isn't, you give up your power over your choices.

    Are you aiming too low each day? I overrode the program because 1200 sucks if you want treats occasionally. I regularly fit in some ice cream, or alcohol because I get real crabby and give up on my 'diet' if I don't. Then I feel bad about myself because I couldn't stick with it. I have lost weight over the last two holiday seasons and plan to do the same again. This time, I don't plan on regaining it because I am not depriving myself of the things I want.

    My thoughts on the matter, for what they are worth (free) :smile:
  • 1meh
    1meh Posts: 94 Member
    So when you make a change, you are going to struggle. But if your child (or a child if you don't have one) slips up trying to learn to tie their shoe, you aren't going to be like "You Suck! You'll Never Tie A Shoe!" Nope, you'll show them again and again til they get it. So you slipped up, you'll get it. nutmegoreo had some great advice, and you have to figure out what works for you. I have NO snacks in my house. Nope, none, nothing, nada - and there are people here who will say that is too extreme, but it works for me. This way, I pack my meals and healthy snacks, and that is what I eat. Also, consider keeping a journal about when you feel cravings and how you feel when you crave. I've found I crave/eat mindlessly when I'm tired. So now when I'm standing in front of the junk machine looking a yummy choc bar, I stop and ask myself, am I hungry or tired. If I answer hungry, I look to see if I have something healthy in my bag and reevaluate my cal limits. If tired I try to walk away. Sometimes (like last week) the cravings win. And I say, well that sucked (I didn't suck, like you, I rock) but I can do better. Then I try to do better. So just remember you rock (I know it's true) and get back on the wagon.
  • acf173
    acf173 Posts: 3 Member
    The trick is to not deprive yourself. I always save at least some calories for dessert- whether that's a small piece of chocolate from an advent calendar or a small ice cream. I also focus more on my overall week than each individual day. For example, on thanksgiving I knew I would go over my intake even if I ate less, but I didn't want to limit myself. So I made sure to be very strict with the other days that week to have an overall balance for the week.

    One day (or week) won't make or break your diet. It is just accepting that fact and balancing that week later. Or maybe adding in some additional exercise whenever possible.