Green Juices. Are they helpful for micros?

Hi guys, so I have some problems getting all my micro nutrients in a day. Are green juices actually a good way to get then in? And if they are any good brands?


  • kaleforlife
    kaleforlife Posts: 23 Member
    There are several types of green juices. Some are powdered, some are made from scratch, and then their are combinations of the two. You have to try and see which ones you can tolerate. Protein drinks, green drinks and meal replacements get lumped into one so be careful when deciding what to purchase. For a powdered protein drink I go to WF's or my local health food store and buy Jay Robb protein powder. Then I add my greens and a fruit to up the flavor a bit. You can add a green powdered drink to your protein powder too, that is an idea.

    If you decide to purchase BeachBody fitness videos be aware they will try to sell you their Shakeology meal replacement. I did not ask for any but they sent me samples. Good thing because I would never buy or recommend the product. It tastes nasty, at least to me. It is very expensive as well. Note: I mixed mine with fruit and it still tasted like chalk. I will stick to creatively, juicing my greens.

    also Vitmin Shoppe carries a good selection of green powders, or at least they did.

    Hope this helps you some. The best way to find what you like is by trial and error since our tastebuds are unique to us!

    Cheers to health,
    Linda :)
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    When I think of green juices, I think of fresh juice from a machine. Get a Breville and start making your own. You can start with something simple like cucumbers and celery. Carrots are also economical. In the long run this is also the cheaper option. I don't trust powders that have been processed and stored in a container for god knows how long. Whatever the nutrition facts say on the back probably isn't what you're getting. Freshest is bestest.

    Barley grass powder that has been processed under low heat is a good supplement for micronutrients.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Yep! ORAC Energy Greens - Yeh!!!
  • JShailen
    JShailen Posts: 184 Member
    Is that like the green monster smoothies?

    If so, I make them because they're tasty and yes it is a nice way to get micro nutrients, or you can just eat it. I don't buy shakes/juices other than whey protein so can't comment on brands. I do make my own green smoothies though.

    50 grams spinach, small avocado (about 60-90 grams), half an apple (up to 100 grams), soya milk (about 200 mls), pinch of salt, honey (15-20 grams). It's delicious.
  • Kym1166
    Kym1166 Posts: 22 Member
    I make celery, kale or spinach with cucumbers and carrots with a splash of lemon juice and an ounce of OJ with a little water in a nutri bullet love it !
    It would take me forever to eat.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I just eat a variety of steamed or roasted veggies and a few mixed salads. My health is perfectly fine. I have no desire or need to drink my food. It's also too expensive and messy for me.