Is is bad to...

tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
add crystal light to my water? Can i count that water bottle as my daily glasses of water? Or just plain water counts!??



  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    When I was at weight watchers, they say to count it! As long as at least half is regular water. I count it! Sometimes it's the only way I get enough water!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I've answered this many times. Some may not agree with me, but I don't think it counts. Only plain water counts toward your water intake. Now, crystal light (or other beverages) is good for hydration. But when you're looking for the benefits of plain water (flushing toxins), you're better off keeping it plain.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'd count it towards my daily water.
  • Sunny_Lexie
    Sunny_Lexie Posts: 114
    count it as glass of water! same when you have coffee, soup... it's liquid anyway.

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    When I was at weight watchers, they say to count it! As long as at least half is regular water. I count it! Sometimes it's the only way I get enough water!

    Interesting. I did weight watchers years ago, and they told me never to count anything but plain water as my water intake.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I've heard yes you can count it and no, it doesn't count....but I count it because otherwise, I would never get my water for the day =)
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I would count Crystal Light, but not sodas (even diet) or coffee because these beverages dehydrate you.
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    Yep, I'm not lyin! Our Weight Watchers meetings required at least 6 glasses of water....3 of which had to BE plain water, the other 3 could be milk, crystal light, long as it didn't have caffine. It's worked for me!!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    My nutritionist said if it has less the 5 calories per 8 ozs count it. Even diet sodas and coffee, but limit them to only 2 - 8 oz glasses a day.
  • DturmenD
    DturmenD Posts: 30 Member
    When I was at weight watchers, they say to count it! As long as at least half is regular water. I count it! Sometimes it's the only way I get enough water!

    Interesting. I did weight watchers years ago, and they told me never to count anything but plain water as my water intake.

    How long ago is years? They have revamped their system and yes, as long as it made up of 55% or more of water....IT COUNTS!!!
  • ANY water is better than no water....if it's sugar free better....artificial sweetener free even better.- If you're not trying to eat 'clean'... than whatever it takes to get you to drink water is completely acceptable. Beats coke etc.. any day of the week!
    Those who practice 'clean eating adhere to very different guidelines- no processed foods, water straight-up w/maybe a twist of lemon, lime or orange.- Sparkling water on occasion. Mostly lean protein, fruits, vegetables, & complex carbohydrates. Generally, if you're just starting on your healthy nutrition/weight-loss journey, start with whatever it takes to help you lose weight- if that means crystal light in your water, and 100 cal. packs of snack foods, go for it. As you get more comfortable with cutting back on foods, or cutting them out completely; you'll find that switching over to less processed foods and drinks will not only make you feel better& think clearer, but also help you lose weight faster (on more food no less).-
    Whoops, got into a little more than just the water issue (sorry)!!!
    Bottom line...don't stress yourself out about how you get the water don't want to give up on this healthy lifestyle change over such a silly thing!
    Good luck!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    People do it and you can count it as water, but you also need to log the crystal lite under your food. I would suggest trying more natural additives like lemon, limes, berries, crushed mint leaves or even ginger
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