Surviving the Holidays

Anyone have any tips for staying on track over the Holidays?? I'm going to be staying with family for a week, and I'm really worried about not being able to maintain my healthy habits!


  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm going into maintenance. I'm not emotionally or mentally strong enough to handle all life stress plus the holidays. It's not for everyone of course but I would rather confidently maintain than stress more over losing. I might actually end up having a nice holiday season if I take one thing off my hugely full schedule.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    Christmas Eve and Day I'll be a bit naughty, I won't go nuts but if I want something I'll have it. If you give yourself a couple of days where you eat at maintenance it won't kill you and you'll have plenty of extra calories to play with.
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    I think just try to be mindful and remember how it feels being bigger or having to lose the weight again. I am having a few treats during this run up but I am also exercising more to balance it all. It really wanted to get down to my target so I can wear my black dress at Xmas but don't think I will if I keep eating puddings and chocolate Brazil nuts. I sometimes find looking at the treats is enough because I know the calories most things have these days xx hope you enjoy the holiday x
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    I was just recently able to button up my size 2 pants (I started MFP in a size 8) they are still a little too uncomfortably tight, but it's amazing that I can get them buttoned (4 months ago I couldn't even get them over my behind).

    I plan on wearing these pants to my best friend's Christmas party tomorrow night. Not only will they serve as a reminder of how far I've come and how close I am, but they are so tight that I will not be able to eat much without the risk of splitting them. It's a win/win.
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    I am going to eat what I feel like eating, log it, and move on. In the grand scheme of things, it won't even cause me to gain a single pound, so I am not worried.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I plan to exercise a little more over the next few days and eat as closer to my mfp calorie goals as possible- TRY not to go over- then when Christmas comes i will eat and enjoy-just for that one meal/day- hopefully all will work out fine- it did at Thanksgiving
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    Not sure it's healthy but I'm going to bank some calories before Christmas and use those so I can have a little of everything. I will continue to log.