determined to succeed

Hi everyone. I just started and am hoping to lose about 20 lbs but right now its's hard to get it off. I exercise daily but can't get it off with exercise alone. I try and watch what I eat but the problem is I can't calculate calories in most homemade meals. I have been trying to eat in small bowls to see if that helps. To be honest I don't know how many calories I need to consume daily to lose. The site told me 1200 calories/per day. I know I burn 500 daily exercising (I use a heartrate monitor). I also drink a lot of water about 1 1/2 gallons/per day. Any suggestions you guys can give me to help me succeed is accepted.:smile:


  • determined3138
    Check this website out:

    you put in the ingredients, tell it how many servings and it will calculate nutrition for you.
  • dashpainters
    I think to lose weight its 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I had the same problem, I did heaps of exercise and wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Now I focus on what I eat and see the exercise as a bonus to kickstart further loss.
    Also because I find it a pain having to log all the ingredients of a meal, it actually helps me lose weight because I keep the ingredients simple. The less I add to it, the less I have to log on the computer. Also once I find foods I like I just keep eating them so I can copy and paste them onto the next day. ie I love grilled chicken breast with beans and tomato, so I have that for dinner most nights. Hope that helps!
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    You can enter your own recipes on here. then it divides the total calories by the number of servings you enter. I enter soem of teh recipes I use alot - makes it alot more accurate and precise. :)
  • destiny150
    destiny150 Posts: 48
    Thanks gang. I really appreciate the help. This will certainly help. Thank determined3138 I will try that website. I'll keep you posted on my progress.