Not in my home.



  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    I don't forbid anything from entering out house....but we don't buy husband only get it when we eat out, and i don't allow my 5 year old to drink it.
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    same here
  • Ghoulina
    Ghoulina Posts: 60 Member
    I don't forbid anything. We just buy what we like and most of it is healthy stuff. None of us drink soda, so we don't buy it. We aren't really big chocolate people, so we don't buy it.

    i'd like to say I cook everything from scratch but with a household of five, sometimes that doesn't happen.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    What is Soda? Is it fizzy sugary drinks? Seems to be the devils work for many of you in the US. I have never been able to bring myself to drink fizzy drinks, they don't seem worth the calories for just a drink. Also I think it is so cold here in the UK, I am just never thirsty enough to bother!

    For me its naughty crisps and desserts like cheesecake and biccies!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I haven't banished anything permanently, but there are things that I won't buy for a while. For instance, we just finished the Nutella, and the kids want me to get more. I'm thinking not for a couple of weeks, give me some time to recover from that.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I haven't banished anything permanently, but there are things that I won't buy for a while. For instance, we just finished the Nutella, and the kids want me to get more. I'm thinking not for a couple of weeks, give me some time to recover from that.

    Nutella is like crack in my house, even dare think of taking it away and a hand will turn into a nub (my children are vicious beasts)! I honestly could forsake peanut butter for nutella but luckily I haven't indulged in a while.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    potato chips and hot chips....
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Any junk outside of FF popcorn. Fried Fast Food. Soda. White rice. White pasta. Vegetable oil. Margarine.
  • CmGoode
    CmGoode Posts: 38 Member
    I have two roommates, so I don't forbid things in the house. I just choose not to by certain things. Ice Cream and chips are two big ones. If I want it, I buy things in smaller sizes.