Question for those that started 100+ pounds over weight



  • Kitty_Nikki
    Kitty_Nikki Posts: 44 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    I hope that you don't mind that I'm chiming in on noticing weight loss even though I wasn't 100 lbs overweight. I've lost 51 lbs and I'm almost to maintenance in about 3 or 4 lbs (I went from 179 to my current 127) but I always thought I didn't look any different at all for a very long time. My family said otherwise but I didn't believe them even though I was into smaller sizes. It takes quite a while for your brain to catch up to your new appearance.

    Of course I don't mind you chiming in! I was mostly just asking people with 100+ pounds because that is what I personally need to lose. I'm happy to get anyone's opinion on the matter though.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I started at 260lbs, and my loss didn't show until I was 230lbs. Of course, it took some time for ME to notice. I am now at 180lbs and actually do notice a difference.
  • MarvinSanderford
    MarvinSanderford Posts: 10 Member
    I have been told many times over the last few years to not pay as much attention to the weight scales as perhaps measurements.... measure yourself. Arms, legs, etc etc. That will be a better tale-tell sign than the 'ol scale, which to me is fickle and fluctuates too much in a day to be totally 100% reliable.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Take a rubber ball, with a radius of 300. It's volume is about 1.13 x 10 (8th power).
    Drop 10% of it's volume you get 1.02 x 10 (8th power), which gets you a radius of 289 (96% of original).
    Drop 50% of it's volume and you get 6 x 10 (7th power), which gets you a radius of 238 (79% of original).
    I started to really notice after thirty pounds and then the loss just accelerated. I don't have to lose as much to drop a size any more. I'm women's XL/L now by the way.

    You are losing mass all over so it won't be visible for a while.
  • heatherlewisis
    heatherlewisis Posts: 118 Member
    Hi. I am 30 years old, 5'7 with a starting weight of 256. So far I have lost 17 pounds and I feel like I can't even tell aside from the scale. I still look the same, all my clothes still fit the same. So I am just wondering what everyone else's experience was. How much weight did you have to lose before you started to actually "notice" it?

    I am 33, 5'7", and my highest weight was 260 last year... During christmastime last year I lost 15 lbs without trying (super stressed with closing escrow on our home and apparently I am a forget to eat type of person when I'm stressed)... I didnt really notice a difference at that time, but other people did... Then I started purposefully losing in March at 245, and am currently 173... I definitely noticed a difference in the first 10 lbs... My clothes fit differently, and my body just felt tighter... But I was working out HARD for at least 30 minutes every day... I think that made a huge difference.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I love how encouraging this community is. Thank you. You make a good point kthompson601, I have noticed that physical activity is becoming increasingly easier. When I started working out I could only do 5-6 minutes on my bike before needing to stop, and I am now up to 25-30 minutes. I definitely count that as a win.

    I also started in 5 minute increments. I always thought I would die. Now I can't imagine feeling physically limited, I couldn't run a marathon but I can maintain any standard daily activity with zero trouble and that alone feels great.
  • ukrgajka
    ukrgajka Posts: 7 Member
    Hiya. Well done for starting this journey! I AM 5ft10,begun at almost I am 168. Noticed changes after 40 pounds, approximately. Good luck to you. This road is easier than it seems. Just stick with it, even if you get a slip up now and then xxx
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I think the general rule of thumb is that you should start to notice a difference at about 10% loss. But make sure to do all your metrics with some kind of regularity (weigh, measure, take pictures) and celebrate the small victories and milestones along the way! Your pants may still be tight when you notice an inch off on the tape measure, or spot slimmer cheeks on comparison pics you would have missed on the day to day. It's also so worthwhile to take the time to be proud of yourself for passing up empty calories or increasing your fitness levels. 17lbs off is awesome! Keep it up :)
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    I started at 540 pounds. Am currently at 453. I look in the mirror and see very little change. I put on the clothes I wore when I started and they are HUGE! I feel the larger one is the more one needs to lose to see a difference. Plus I think our own eyes/mind don't let us see the results until they are far more pronounced.

    The day my underwear kept falling down my butt was they day I started to notice, visually, that I was losing weight.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    I really noticed the differences in photos rather than the mirror. Even now I can much more accurately tell what I look like by taking a photo, my brain lies to me! I'm 5'7 and started at 329 lbs, I'm maintaining now at 170 - 175. I really noticed a difference when I'd lost 20 kg / 44 lbs. Other people noticed before I did though.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Take a rubber ball, with a radius of 300. It's volume is about 1.13 x 10 (8th power).
    Drop 10% of it's volume you get 1.02 x 10 (8th power), which gets you a radius of 289 (96% of original).
    Drop 50% of it's volume and you get 6 x 10 (7th power), which gets you a radius of 238 (79% of original).
    I started to really notice after thirty pounds and then the loss just accelerated. I don't have to lose as much to drop a size any more. I'm women's XL/L now by the way.

    You are losing mass all over so it won't be visible for a while.

    That's helpful. No really! I never had that perspective. And I carried much weight at my shirtwaist - think apple shaped - so loss there was first without much loss elsewhere.
  • Formerly348
    Formerly348 Posts: 9 Member
    I started out at 348. It wasn't until I was under 300 that I could start to notice.
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    I started out 230lbs. (I'm 5'3", I've lost 60lbs and have another 40-50 to lose). I noticed a difference after about 15lbs, my clothes felt a little looser. It wasn't until I had dropped about 30lbs that people started commenting. Even though I love my shrinking tum and bum my favorite part is how much easier it is to walk up hill. I love to walk and there is a monster hill that I have to climb on the way out of my neighborhood. When I first started I would have to stop 4 or 5 times on my way up. By the time I had lost 40lbs I could make it without stopping and now I can dash up it and hardly be out of breath. Loving that!
  • orchidbutterflies
    orchidbutterflies Posts: 59 Member
    My heaviest weight was 380ish lbs.
    I'm 5'6 1/2. I didn't notice that much until I hit around the 280 mark. I was wearing sweat pants at my heaviest because my size 26 jeans were a little too tight. It seems like I skipped from 26 to 22W though.
    I started hearing from family and such that they noticed a difference about 40-50lbs down. I'm 120lbs down with about another 100-110 lbs to go and unless I look at a comparison pic, I still feel like I'm just as big as I was. It definitely takes a long time to catch up mentally.
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    Way to go!! People didn't say anything to me until around 30 pounds....
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    I definitely noticed before this point, but the real WOW in the mirror happened at -70.
  • triddering
    triddering Posts: 81 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi! I will first say that you are doing great in the success you have had!
    I am 42, 5' 8.5" woman and my starting weight was 265 at the end of April. I started my journey to health on May 1, and I have lost 70 lbs in 7.5 months. I still have 55 to go.
    Key things I would like to encourage you with:
    1. Break down the ultimate goal into a realistic plan. Set small goals along the way and Celebrate small successes, they add up! The goals can be end of month, trips or special dates. My goal had been to lose 10 lbs a month, so every month I lost 10lbs or more, I met my goal! The total of 100+ loss is intimidating, so set closer goals. I found using apps that track weight loss progress like My Weight HD, really help with setting those smaller goals and seeing the progress. Then, compare your success with your goal and see how the new remaining goal is less intimidating as you succeed. At first, I would say 10 lbs was a great start, then 20 lbs was great consistency, then 30 lbs was proof of new lifestyle change and great progress, etc... When I lost 40 lbs, a friend told me to go buy 40 of something! So I did! I bought 40 Quest protein bars! My remaining 55lbs feel achievable, not intimidating like the 125 did when I started!
    2. Weight is only one of many ways to track progress. Use all the tools available to you to track progress!
    3. In the MFP web configuration, add as many measurements as you can, more than the defaults, and measure yourself weekly. Even if you don't think you look different, the tape measure won't lie. It will also show you where you are losing the weight. I even got the % body fat to show up once by adding a number in either Runtastic or Map My Fitness. My scale might not be terribly accurate (the number varies a bit when I step on it several times in a row) but it has a % body fat and I started capturing that number. Wish I would have done it from the get go. Also, some measurements I have added at different points in time.
    3. When you lose weight, believe the scale! I went through times where I started shopping around for a new scale because I didn't think I was really losing weight, but rather imagining it. Even ounces count! There is a mindset that is hard to break where you see yourself the same as you were. I find myself looking at my weight loss charts (graphs) to internalize the change!
    4. I send photo updates to a few select people that I know will encourage me along the way, rather than posting on fb or public forums. I know they are honest when they tell me they see a difference.
    5. Compare your strength or endurance and celebrate when you can do more! When I first started, I could not do a push up to save my life! Not even a ladies push up! I started using the Runtastic push up app on my kitchen counter leaning sideways! Then, I was able to move to be floor, where I would plop down and push myself up to my knees. Little by little I could hold myself a bit longer, especially as I strengthened my core. Now I can do ladies push ups without touching the mat, only touching the push-up app on my iPad with my nose! The strength gained is a success. Even my chiropractor has to manipulate me differently now because my muscles would fight him otherwise! That is new!
    6. Keep it up even if you don't see progress. The body will need time to adjust to the changes. It didn't take overnight to gain the weight, don't expect the loss overnight either. You will go through a lot of change at once and then, your body will almost put in the breaks like saying "give me a bit to get used to this". Just be consistent. Don't overindulge nor starve yourself. The changes will resume. When I started doing strengthening exercises, I didn't see the weight go down, but the shape changed, and I even got a lot of comments. The weight wasn't changing because muscle was replacing fat, which resulted in smaller volume. Eventually, the weight started to drop again.
    7. Listen to your body. I was able to learn to pick up cues from my body on what changes I should make. I realized I needed to strengthen my core muscles because I was having a lot of tailbone, knee and heel pain, so I started to work on that. I also noticed that as I worked out harder, I would feel more tired, hit the wall, feel exhausted or even dizzy, so I increased my calories a bit!
    8. Chose healthy foods of convenience. Have healthy go-to, default options on hand that will prevent you from going to bad stuff or eating while starving. I often go to grapes, apples, nut thins crackers and laughing cow light cheese wedges, Quest protein bars or Ostrim meat sticks. Think "this is how I eat now".
    9. Sleep! This is something I need to improve. The body needs sleep for the organs to regenerate and the muscles you tear during workouts to heal. I have noticed that with the same food, same workout and only varying on sleep, the days I wake up after a longer night of sleep, I lose more weight than the days I wake up from a short, sleep deprived night!

    Congratulations on your success! Keep it up! You can do it. God bless you!

  • azelizabeth
    azelizabeth Posts: 34 Member
    I have lost 40 and only recently have people noticed. What I notice about myself is that I feel so much better and walking is so much easier. When I started I cut a pretty ribbon the size of my waist and every so often when I don't lose like I want to I wrap it around my waist and I am amazed how many inches I have lost. Try noticing other things like ease of moving, clothes fitting better , etc.
  • lnoelg
    lnoelg Posts: 3 Member
    I first noticed when on of my rings fell of. The exterior changes are subtle. You will notice before your friends. Focus on how great you feel!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited December 2015
    I started at 308 pounds. It took me about 15 kg (30 something pounds) to notice. When you have a lot to lose not much happens at first. You still look the same, shrinking uniformly into a smaller version of the same shape. Your clothes are a bit less tight, but still fit because there is plenty of fat to hold them up. Not much excitement or change. When your shape starts to change you will one day wake up and feel "what the heck, when did this happen?"

    That moment came to me when one day I woke up and the layers of fat on the sides of my waist were no longer sweaty and rubbing. They were almost gone. I had a blast walking around the house with my hands on my waist feeling how the muscles move as I walked. It was new to me and very exciting. I did not know muscles moved like that. Then after a while the novelty wore off and I felt like I wasn't losing anymore, but lo and behold, where did these collarbones come from? Just popped into existence out of nowhere. Things started becoming exciting again. I went on a shopping spree to show off my newly discovered collarbones and couldn't stop touching them. I also started noticing other things like how easier it is to me to get up out of a low chair. I no longer needed to use all of my strength to lift myself up.

    Patience, and it will come. One day you will wake up and notice a change that will make you very happy.