Runner needs metabolism help

I run 4 x's per week for race training. I've run 2 full marathons this year and run many halfs each year as well. My issue is that many years ago when I began SSRI's, I gained around 40lbs. I know it has affected my metabolism because when I quit them 3 years ago- I quickly dropped back down to a size 2. Now, I won't get off them again so I'm wondering what I can do to boost my metabolism (besides my running routine) while staying on an SSRI?


  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    Are you sure that it is effecting your metabolism vs effecting your hunger/eating habits? According to WebMD some people gain weight and others lose weight ( ). It is possible that in your unmedicated state you had less hunger or desire for food, and once you were on the SSRIs you hunger "normalized". Did you track your eating when you were previously taking the SSRIs? I know from personal experience that marathon training burns an enormous amount of calories, but I also know that it is possible to out eat that burn. Trying to increase your calorie burn beyond what you already do for half and full marathon training is likely to increase your chance of injury. Which will sideline you from training and effectively will decrease your burn.

    People that lose weight on SSRIs may have been using food as a way to self sooth when they were unmedicated. You should talk to your doctor if you are concerned about weight gain. There are several options within the SSRI drugs, so it might just be a matter of finding the right one.

    You should also do the following:
    1) Determine if you are currently at a healthy weight and how much weight can you gain and still be at a healthy weight. You might have to accept some weight gain and should know at what point to be concerned.
    2) Log everything you eat and your exercise sessions, so you know if you are overeating or not.
    3) Weigh yourself regularly so that you know if you are gaining too much weight.
    4) Discuss all of this with your doctor(s). You want to make sure that you are in a healthy place both physically and mentally.

    Good luck
  • Runfit0987
    Runfit0987 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for responding. The new medicine I switched to this year has not made me gain any additional weight. I would like to lose some of the old medicine weight. I've always been naturally thin, never passing 110lbs at 5'4. I'm around 150 now, and while that's not terrible, it feels big for me. I've been tracking my food since September and have lost a little. It feels like I can't get past a 5lb drop- like my body is just stuck.