Returning user

Hi everyone,
Used this app before successfully but it goes without saying i stopped logging my food and of course the weight crept back on and more besides. Hope to find support here and will offer any i can as i am totally serious this time.


  • tenshi_125
    tenshi_125 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome back! This isn't my first time either. I'm really serious this time as well. About 2 weeks since I re-started and going well so far. Feel free to add me for support. ;)
  • JulieB864
    JulieB864 Posts: 15 Member
    Not my first time either. Forgot how to use app. Can y'all add me as friends?
  • JulieB864
    JulieB864 Posts: 15 Member
    Wait I just figured out how to add people