Making some progress

Been working really hard these last two months and am worried that I'm going to plateau. So am looking for some support. Am a 35yo gay guy from London that has recently gotten over cancer and am now trying to loose the weight I gained after treatment. Want to build on the weight loss and get healthy too


  • GetSw0le
    GetSw0le Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there! Congrats on your victory and on your decision to get healthy. Are you currently following a diet plan and exercise routine?
  • V_ince
    V_ince Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks am enjoying the process. No formal plan or regime to speak of. More a case of controlling my diet and increasing my exercise aka doing some.
  • GetSw0le
    GetSw0le Posts: 13 Member
    Sounds like a good start. I have lots of experience dieting and exercising so if you need help with anything feel free to ask!