Up and down

I was doing very well "then fell off the wagon" Instead of feeling guilt (oh ok did for quite awhile) I am summing up all those reasons to get back into the "health routine" I don't call it diet.
Mainly have to be a bit more selfish (self preservation) and no more excuses!


  • aussie_pete
    aussie_pete Posts: 28 Member
    You're in the right place to get back on the wagon!
  • Ditzy50
    Ditzy50 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes. Thanks. I am going to use this ap more not very "tekky" so using forums etc is new for me! Great with online support
  • EternalSonataFan
    EternalSonataFan Posts: 27 Member
    I know the feeling... I've been up and down (in terms of my weight) for the past month now!

    I just joined too, so maybe we can help each other stay motivated.