Rejoined, ready to shed pounds & make friends

Hello! My name is Michele :) I've been struggling with my weight for a few years now, and I've decided it's time to make a change. I've been having a passionate love affair with food, but it's time that changed. The road has been a rocky one, full of chips, cheez its,peanuts, oreos and ice cream, but its time i go down a new road. I am looking to meet friends who will share their struggles and triumphs, friends who are looking to give and receive support, and all the other fun stuff friendship has to offer.


  • apthomas1988
    apthomas1988 Posts: 16 Member
    I totally understand. And I would like to be friends...I need all the support I can get :)
  • campm99
    campm99 Posts: 12 Member
    Me too! I'm trying to get motivated again!
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    I can always use more friends. I lost 70 on paleo then gained 30. Now I'm back to eating healthy again. Feel free to send a request
  • Caitoriri
    Caitoriri Posts: 87 Member
    Wishing you luck! I definitely know that hard road with the chips and ice cream all too well. I think there may have been a bit too much chocolate on mine too... ;)
    Anyway, never such thing as too many friends!
  • aussie_pete
    aussie_pete Posts: 28 Member
    Be strong! This is a great community :)
  • lishiem
    lishiem Posts: 9 Member
    MFP is really good if you log everything and dont cheat yourself, Some days are harder than others especially if (like me) you are bad for snacking, things add up really fast lol. Feel free to add me as a friend also, this is my second time round, the first time i didnt know about the community so im hoping to find people to keep me on track and that i can do the same for them haha ☺️☺️
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Hi I'm back at it again too after falling off for a few YEARS. I don't know how I let that happen!!! So please add me and be accountability buddies
  • Thank you everyone for the replies. :) I definitely think accountability is the key here to success..I feel pretty positive about this time around!
  • melissabrindley1
    melissabrindley1 Posts: 21 Member
    Today is my first day... again.
    Feel free to add me, we need all the friends and support we can get!
  • amandacordes1
    amandacordes1 Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to meet you!! Let's motivate each other!!
  • gatzke123
    gatzke123 Posts: 48 Member
    I just started on this ap. really looking to some friends to keep motivated as well.
  • Rachel0626
    Rachel0626 Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to meet ya all!! We can do this folks!