How often do you weigh?

For the purposes of logging in to MFP, how often do you weigh yourself? I weigh daily, but was just curious as to what other people do. I like to keep a close check on my weight, especially this time of year. WL is not my goal, not gaining is my goal for the holiday season.


  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Weigh once a week, sometimes two weeks for MFP. Like you, I weigh myself everyday, but I know it fluctuates. I also waiver back and forth between weighing in my skivvies versus clothed, since I have to be clothed at the doctor's office and for my dietbets, it seems like I should be clothed. It makes a 1-2 pound difference. I like the lower number obviously, but it's not really like the public number if that makes sense. It's complicated.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Sorry OP, that wasn't very helpful ^^^^
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I weigh every day and look at trends.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    I weigh every day, but look at the monthly trend. I try not to worry if I go up a little on a day or two, especially since I know I'm being really careful. I know the number will come back down eventually. Gotta have some faith in the process.
  • itstimeRK
    itstimeRK Posts: 112 Member
    I weigh every morning nude, after I use the bathroom.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    For the purposes of logging in to MFP, how often do you weigh yourself? I weigh daily, but was just curious as to what other people do. I like to keep a close check on my weight, especially this time of year. WL is not my goal, not gaining is my goal for the holiday season.

    keep in mind that body weight fluctuates...most people can fluctuate 3-5 Lbs day to it's good you're keeping an eye on things, but just be aware that it's still about trends, not the weigh in to weigh in number that matters.

    i weigh pretty much daily as well.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I weigh daily and seem to have very few unexplained fluctuations. If I eat above goal I maintain or gain, below and I lose sometime in the week but it might take 3-6 days to show on the scale even if I'm under each of those days. It doesn't take 2 weeks to show (I guess I'm just trying to say I don't plateau for "no reason").
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    sometimes when i see my belly bloated up more than usual i will go weight myself but, otherwise i don't really care to see roller coaster scale results so i only do so once a week in AM.. i do not officially log my weight into mfp until 5-7 days after my monthly cycle though, found this time to be my most accurate weight.
  • pislari_poljnamd
    pislari_poljnamd Posts: 45 Member
    Every other day. :)