
I am a diet soda drinker. I haven't had a soda in 2 days. I LOVE soda!! Why is diet soda bad? Is crystal light and things like that a healthy alternative?


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I quit drinking sodas all together and immediately dropped 6lbs. I had no idea how bloaty it made me until it wasn't there anymore.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    To me anything that is no calories but isn't water or close to water most likely isn't good for you. I have heard that there are toxics in diet soda, but I have never did any research myself. I have also heard that they dehydrate you.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    i am always told coke zero is bad for me but when i'm dieting i can't help it. i need it to help me curb my appetite.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Any kind of soda, regular or diet is like osteoporosis in a can. Plus the carbonation in it makes your stomach fill up with gas making you bloated. If I want something a little different than water, I usually put lemon in it or I'll drink unsweetened iced tea. If I want some sweetness to either I'll use Truvia.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Coconut water is great to ween yourself off Soda.

    The problem with diets and zeros are the artificial sweetners that you're body can't process. Your body burns calories, but can't get rid of the crap they put in those drinks. if you MUST have a soda, go with one of the throw backs with the real sugar.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I've just given up soda all together and feel better because of it. I drank A LOT of Soda before this (wasn't a fan of coffee, but needed caffeine). Now I pretty much only drink water, black coffee, and powerade zero when i have the sodium to spare!
  • Bgriff1974
    Bgriff1974 Posts: 12 Member
    Carbinated water slows metabolism.. Slows blood stream. Cut soda completely.. Diet or otherwise.. I use to drink it like it was going out of style.. Now I dont even miss it. Tea, Crystal Light, etc much better. Stay away from all Carbinated Water Period. Thats the best bet..

    You will definately see a drop in weight from it...

    Just my 2 cents worth..
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    i am always told coke zero is bad for me but when i'm dieting i can't help it. i need it to help me curb my appetite.

    I completely understand, this is me.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Try some non-flavored sparkling mineral water with a splash of OJ or POM and a sqeeze of lime. It's great.
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    > Any kind of soda, regular or diet is like osteoporosis in a can.

    After reading that I googled it and sodas apparently can be acidic enough affect your tooth enamel if you have enough of them.

    I drink coke zero, one every other day or so, and it has not stopped me from losing 21lb in 105 days. But I guess I drink them in moderation.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, I'm not an expert by any means... This is just my two cents on the subject... from the perspective of a former Diet Cola addict.

    Soda is full of chemicals, sodium, and preservatives, none of which are beneficial to your health. Diet soda has artificial sweeteners which can screw with your endocrine system and your metabolism, such as making your body begin to ignore the ingrained response to sweets.

    Is it SOO HORRIBLE? Possibly. Can you quit it? If you really want to, yes.

    I went from a 60 oz diet cola habit a day, to none... in a matter of two weeks. I started by substituting a gallon of semi-sweet tea per day... then started gradually reducing the sugar every day. When I was no longer craving that sweetness, I switched to water. Water with lime, water with mint, tap water, iced water...

    One every now and again isn't going to kill you... but the addiction and consistent intake of all of those chemicals could definitely damage your health.
  • JJHudgens
    JJHudgens Posts: 96 Member
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    if it is carbonated bevarges you really crave, it isnt zero calories, but it is around 30 and has extremely good health benefits... try kombucha. some of the flavors arent very good. but all in all, between the probiotics in it and all of its other good qualities, you cant go wrong.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member

    pretty much sites resources that debunk a lot of the things people are saying in regards to carbonation itself being bad for you...

    i personally prefer to use a little club soda or seltzer mixed with a shot of fruit juice to curb my sweet tooth.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    its bad because its made up of mostly chemicals and it stops you from drinking water.

    the trick is to slowly wean yourself off of it, why not try this, keep a note of how many cans you consume in a week, the next week or next two weeks try to eliminate 1 can, it will be a challenge at first but you will find yourself not wanting it so much the more you begin to drink water in its place,.

    i usto love pepsi could drink a 12 pack in a weeks time sometimes twice that, since changing my lifestyle i have not had a pepsi in over 7 years and dont miss a drop of it.

    dont drive yourself nuts over it just do it slowly and you will meet success.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Wow...lots of great advice on soda. I use to only drink diet soda and coffee...horrible ugh? I had a hard time drinking water. I always said I didn't like it. I just decided to quit one day after starting MFP (about two months) and I haven't had one since. I now drink between 7-8 glasses of water and still have my non-fat one pump iced mocha everyday. I crave water all day and especially at night. I don't feel bloated now for sure!!! It had to be all or nothing for me because I was addicted. I know that some people have them in moderation sometimes.
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    Ditto. I quit drinking sodas too. but it was real hard to do. I was literally addicted to BIG RED. I started out drinking crystal lights but now all I drink is water. But as I was letting go of the sodas, I was in detox, honestly. for 2 weeks I had massive headaches because I will going through caffeine withdrawl. then after 2 weeks it passed and now I dont even crave soda anymore & sometimes when I try to even drink 4oz of it my stomach has massive gas so I just stay away from it all together. but it is possible for you to let it go but you have to work at it. Cause you will want it real bad. But I know you can do it...GOOD LUCK let go of sodas, flour tortillas & bread all together you will easily drop 20lbs easily...
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    There are no scientific or medical facts supporting carbonated waters slowing metabolism, non-diet soda may slow down your metabolism as your body absorbs the sugar "but sugar free soda" should have no effect on slowing down metabolism .

    The only issue I see with diet soda are the artificial sweeteners, also diet soda has been known to lead to sugar cravings and lack of water intake.

    A significant fraction of the human body is water, somewhat around 50-80%... Water is our best friend!!!

    Many health stories center on dehydration and other negative effects that result from consuming large amounts of "carbonated beverages." It is important to note that caffeine (not carbonation) causes dehydration. Caffeine can cause your kidneys to produce more urine which may lead to dehydration. Many popular types of cola contain caffeine and are unhealthy in large quantities. However carbonated drinks without caffeine (like sparkling water) are usually safer to consume.

    Read more: Does Sparkling Water Dehydrate You? |