Biggest Pet Peeve......



  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I work at mcdonalds and see this literally every day. The diet coke is actually worse, even if you are saving calories. Aspartame causes heart disease, leads to cancers, and rots away at your stomach lining. If I feel the need for soda (which I have about 1 12 oz can a month if that) I drink full calorie and just work it off.

    Everything causes cancers and heart disease now. I'll stick with my aspartame. It hasn't killed me yet.
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    When counting calories every 100 counts! Heck, every 1 counts :)

    Pet peeve: When people put other people down...we are all human :wink:

    Well said! My pet peeve is the same as yours! :flowerforyou:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    But don't you see the contradiction in this? Why are you even ordering the Big Mac and fries? But hey, who am I to talk, I weigh 300 lbs, obviously I hadn't quite worked it all out yet. lol

    Because not everybody is on a "diet" or "lifestyle change."
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Pet peeve: drives me nuts when people chew with their mouth open. I also cannot stand the sound of whistling. People who curse. When the kids let the screen door slam.

    I'm sure kids and hubby would tell me I have more but those are th:laugh: :wink: e ones I admit to, lol.:wink:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I used to order Big Mac, large fries and a large diet coke (actually I only drank 1/4 of that, but still it's a part of the meal). Not only do I actually prefer the taste of diet coke, I would have been like 200lbs at my heaviest instead of 186lbs, had I chosen to drink regular coke every time.

    I mean, if you think you're eating healthy just because you ordered a diet instead of regular, THEN you need a reality check... Otherwise, don't be hatin' :smile:
    When counting calories every 100 counts! Heck, every 1 counts :)
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    One of my biggest pet peeves is........Just because it says "one size fits all" doesn't mean it's going to fit you, and doesn't mean it's going to look good on you if it does fit!
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member

    I mean, if you think you're eating healthy just because you ordered a diet instead of regular, THEN you need a reality check... Otherwise, don't be hatin' :smile:

    EXACTLY the point I was trying to make....just might not have come out that way!
  • Smittyinthesun2
    We have a small gym in our Condo complex and lots of people us the gym and there are several who don't wipe down the machines after they use them and sweat allover them, This despite there being signs up.

    I'm not a germ- a -phobe but have some respect for the next guy who uses the equipment. F-ing Gross !
  • Smittyinthesun2
    We have a small gym in our Condo complex and lots of people us the gym and there are several who don't wipe down the machines after they use them and sweat allover them, This despite there being signs up.

    I'm not a germ- a -phobe but have some respect for the next guy who uses the equipment. F-ing Gross !
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    when my alleged biological father uses the phrase "irregardless" shouldnt it just be regardless? Its a double negative right? or when he says " i need to get a holt of your grandmother i need to talk to her". "get a holt"? really? how about get a hold or get in touch with her.

    OMG im sounding like a nut job right now but I cant take it anymore. STOP SAYING IRREGARDLESS! Ive even said something to him. But apparently its in the dictionary! So Im wrong but I still cant stand it. Its dumb! THere!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    when my alleged biological father uses the phrase "irregardless" shouldnt it just be regardless? Its a double negative right? or when he says " i need to get a holt of your grandmother i need to talk to her". "get a holt"? really? how about get a hold or get in touch with her.

    OMG im sounding like a nut job right now but I cant take it anymore. STOP SAYING IRREGARDLESS! Ive even said something to him. But apparently its in the dictionary! So Im wrong but I still cant stand it. Its dumb! THere!

    LOL. I can relate. My co-workers fav word is "evidently". I don't know if it his own personal challenge to fit it into as many conversations where it is clearly not required or not but it certainly seems that way :laugh:
  • Smittyinthesun2
    We get lots of that down south, some of my Faves are

    " I'm Fixing to go to the store"

    "I Ax'd him"
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    when my alleged biological father uses the phrase "irregardless" shouldnt it just be regardless? Its a double negative right? or when he says " i need to get a holt of your grandmother i need to talk to her". "get a holt"? really? how about get a hold or get in touch with her.

    OMG im sounding like a nut job right now but I cant take it anymore. STOP SAYING IRREGARDLESS! Ive even said something to him. But apparently its in the dictionary! So Im wrong but I still cant stand it. Its dumb! THere!

    LOL. I can relate. My co-workers fav word is "evidently". I don't know if it his own personal challenge to fit it into as many conversations where it is clearly not required or not but it certainly seems that way :laugh:

    The word in-laws constantly say supposebly. OK is it supposedly or cant be both!!!!!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    As far as the diet soda, some of you may want to read this:

    My biggest pet peeve: People who are voluntarily uneducated. I don't mean that as a slam to any of you who haven't read the above article, I just mean general education. We live in the age of technology (I searched once and proved that you could learn about Thermo-nuclear physics on YouTube) where you can learn anything on the internet, and during my short stint working at Taco Bell to make a little extra cash for the winter holidays, I worked with a high school kid who thought the Nazis were made up by the company who makes Medal of Honor. /shakes head/
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I worked with a high school kid who thought the Nazis were made up by the company who makes Medal of Honor. /shakes head/

    WOW...just wow. That's the future right there! :indifferent:
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member

    Facebook googling.

    Case in point: When Randy Savage passed, my brother in law made a post about him. Someone commented "Ohhh yeeeah!" referencing the Slim Jim commercials, as we all grew up with our parents watching wrestling and such. Some girl said "YES!!!" to which my husband replied "Way to go, happy about someone's death." and she wants to get snotty and say she didn't know who he was until her friend told her. GOOGLE HIM GOOD LORD. YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET.

    I also dislike the "I hate water" posts. Really? You can't throw some crystal light in there? Some Mio? Fresh lemon? Something? That's just more of a slight irritation. I don't get angry over it or anything, I just kind of go "Really?"
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    No. No, I have a bigger pet peeve.

    My husband filed for bankruptcy 3 years ago. Before he filed, he and his ex had a Circuit City card, on which she was the primary, he the secondary because they wouldn't accept him on his own. As part of his bankruptcy, he filed her and Circuit City as a debtor (I just found the paperwork a week ago). But he STILL pays monthly payments towards the card because he told her he would. Now, I'm all for making good on an agreement, as it was all his stuff. But here's the thing, they broke up because she beat him. Are you kidding me? She's lucky I don't hunt her down and shove her bills down her throat. I can't even have it automatically come out, because she still has access to the account so she could theoretically pay the full balance. Obviously that would be some kind of theft or fraud, but until everything would get resolved we would be SOL.

    I don't hate much, but I hate that situation and I certainly hate her.
  • Giovanni_P
    Giovanni_P Posts: 107
    People that blow their nose at the table, in a restaurant! Lose my appetite every time
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i also have a co-worker (bless his heart) but he says kids have to suffer "circumstances" when they make bad decisions. It took me FOREVER to figure out what he meant! CONSEQUENCES! Gotcha! Should I correct him? Nope! You are a 50 year old man. You should know the difference between consequences and circumstances. If you are dumb enough to use the wrong word over and over again then so be it! I get to make fun of you.