Wii Zumba energy points

SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
Zumba for Wii is not in the exercise database. At the end of every workout Zumba for Wii tells you Zumba Energy points or something that I've earned. Does anyone know if that is supposed to be the same as calories burned? IDK


  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I wear a HRM. The Wii doesn't take in to consideration your sex, age, weight, and height. I don't go by what it says. I got my HRM for around $70 (Polar FT4) from Amazon.com. It will be the best investment you can ever make!
  • blacrasberri
    blacrasberri Posts: 102
    SLaw4215 Don't feel bad, energy points are just that points that your Wii picks up from your movement . I suggest you purchase a Heart Monitor to help you determine calories burned.
  • jenmac82005
    I read on facebook that Wii is coming out with a Zumba 2 game in november, and that one will calculate calories, this one does not.