Dear SOC

I am really sorry for my absence. I've been in Florida for the past week or so, and I haven't had internet access. Only when I go to the local cafe on Ocean Drive is when I have internet. I didn't really have time to prepare a challenge for you guys. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please remember to continue to message me your weights. I don't have many weigh ins recorded for the week of 6/08. And now we are up to the week of 6/15. Only 11 weeks left everyone. I wanna lose about 20 pounds in that time. Let's see what I can do after this vacation.
Here's this week's pathetic challenge.. lol

I just got back from Florida! So we will see how my progress was over my long vacation. It's also been almost a month. Review your progress and see what needs to be changed. Post about it in the group. Ask for help. Get feedback. Message me if you need to. Make the changes that you need to make in order to better yourself.


  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    I hope you're having a blast! I did my weigh-in last week, but I only posted it in my profile. I was down to 140.5 on 6/7, but I had a crazy weekend, so it'll probably be the same for this week. I'll do another weigh-in Tuesday and post the results.

    As a side note, I promised myself a new sports bra when I got into the 130s--here's hoping it's this week! I'm going to get a really nice one that holds it all in place, without giving me dreaded uniboob.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    no worries at all girl!!!

    well.. for me... I was having some issues with binge eating about a week ago, but for the past 6 days I've been doing fine, so I lost the water/binge weight. I'm around 156.5 right now, which is fine... i know i'm toning up and my size 10 jeans fit again so yay!

    I have to try to continue cutting down on added sugar. in other news, I bought myself some new perfume this week (clinique happy heart... so good!) and I'm leaving for my job on Saturday so I won't be able to get online too much for about 8 weeks... but I'll be so busy that I wont even have time to binge if I want to. hopefully I can kick that habit out of this solar system.

    also, i totally get the uniboob thing. i need some new sports bras too!
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    Quite understandable and the challenge is not at all pathetic. You're right, it is important for us to look over our progress and figure out what we can improve. I usually try to avoid doing that because all my mistakes and cheat days become very glaring.

    I've been very inconsistent with both eating healthy and working out. The inconsistency occurs in blocked periods, where one week I'll be very healthy and exercise regularly and then in another I won't do either. Fortunately I'm broke so I haven't been able to binge on anything that will significantly set me back but it is preventing me from progressing. I just want to reach a point, particularly with working out, where I am stronger and can do more then I can now. So far, whenever I almost get to a point where I begin to tone and improve, I end up stopping and going back to square one both with my workout and weight. I've never been able to get to a point where I can see significant results. My focus for the rest of this month is being consistent and hopefully it'll make a difference.

    On the point of sports bras, I really need one. It's deterring me from upping the intensity of my workouts.
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    Also, I'm doing a challenge someone posted up recently in another forum. Would anyone be interested in doing it?

    It's very simple. If anyone wants to join it or if you guys want to do one for us and we can post our progress here. It's a really good one for those of us who aren't consistent. I changed the order of the days to fit the week this group started. Here it is:

    Exercise 5 days this week for a minimum of 45 minutes each day.

    Stay Under your Calorie Goal

    Here is the format to post your updates and track your progress:

    WED – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    THU – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    MON –Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    TUES – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: #/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: #/7
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    Yaaay I missed you! Haha. I made a promise to myself to not peek at the scale before the weigh in, so I won't know my real progress until tomorrow. A few weeks ago i upped my calories to 1400 because I only had 10 pounds to go, but I haven't been losing as much since, so yesterday I changed it back to 1200. Hopefully that will jumpstart things again.

    I've been pretty good about sticking to my exercise and eating goals, but I haven't had as much time to work out as I would like. My summer job ended up giving me almost 40 hours a week, which is great on my wallet, but not so much for my progress. I'm also studying for the PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test) several hours a day, so its making my time a little limited. I've been trying to wake up early in the morning to do either 30DS or Ripped in 30, and I've been pretty consistent. I pack my lunches for work and typically stay pretty healthy.

    I have to confess to cheating when I visit my boyfriend, but we're semi long distance while we're at home for the summer, so this only ends up being like once a week, if that. Other than that I've been very consistent.

    I got Brazil Butt Lift in the mail today! So I'm starting that soon. Has anyone had any experience with this? I couldn't resist. It had great reviews and I love having a good butt haha.

    I'll post my weight tomorrow!! Good luck SOC-ers!
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Oh my golly goodness, I've been so horrible this week, I haven't been logging in, exercising that much.. Ah... So, I'm not sure if the scale will budge. I hope so. Sure hope so.

    But, I've been pretty good about sticking to being under my caloric goal. But, today it's better.

    I'm up for the challenge of exercising for at least 45 minutes 5x a week!
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for posting another thread! I hope you had fun in Florida!

    I haven't been doing too bad. My biggest problem I think is that I don't even finish my diary on my cheat days. I went to a White Sox game this weekend and I wasn't actually pretty proud of myself. I had 2 hot dogs, tons of peanuts, an italian ice chill, and a hot chocolate (it got so cold!!). BUT I didn't eat anything fried or have any soda. So I was really proud of myself for that. And that morning I went on a 12 mile bike ride.

    My diary has been pretty good. On the days I log in I tend to stay under my calorie goal. I also haven't been drinking any soda really.

    My workouts have been pretty good. I started some P90X dvds. I am not doing the program as they plan it, just whatever DVDs I feel like fitting into my other workouts. My bike riding to work as been pretty good. Today I couldn't though because its storming. But I got up and did some yoga and I feel really good!

    I have a general question. How many calories do you have left by dinner time? Or how do you distribute them throughout the day? I entered in everything I am going to eat for breakfast and during the day at work and I have reached 1000 calories and I tend to eat about 1400....
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    Did my weigh-in: 139.5!!! Plus an inch off my hips, and half an inch off my waist.

    Sarac: It really depends on the day and what kind of exercise I've got planned. On soccer nights, I eat a big lunch and a little dinner because all the sprinting does not sit well with a full stomach. If my husband is home and we cook, dinner tends to be in the 4-500 range, so I plan for that. If I'm by myself, it can be anywhere from 250 (carb-free nights) to 500 (hi, leftover margherita pizza).

    Looking through my diary over the past week, I realize that I really need to do a better job getting sufficient iron from foods. I'm anemic, so when I don't hit near my goal, I start to feel lethargic (not good for exercising) and can pass out (not good for self-esteem). I occasionally take a vitamin, but it makes me queasy. Someone recommended pumpkin seeds, but I'm going to have to find a no-salt version because the regular ones are just too salty. Let me know if any of you have a go-to iron power food!
  • kirstinalexis
    First off, I'm glad you had a good time in FL, it's my favorite place to be on vacation!

    Secondly, I'm weighing in at 142.5 lbs today. I didn't work out at all last week because I started a new medication and it made me super exhausted and dizzy. I think I'm getting used to it, so this week I'm easing back in to working out.

    Hopefully I'll be 140 or less in time for 4th of July!
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    Glad you had fun on vacation! I'm going on vacation myself on thursday. It may be rough for me as well. Not just for the usually desiring to eat w/e when vacationing but also... boy trouble :(

    A boy I liked was supposed to meet me and my friend some time at the beach since he lives close by. And he seemed really excited about it too. Then I didn't hear from him for a week... then he told me he didn't have money for gas to meet me because he's spending it to take out ANOTHER girl.

    I've always had issues with boys. And it seems like every time I try or become close to finding a good person someone better comes in and sweeps them away and I am left with nothing but second place :(

    Usually when this happens I of course want to eat. but THIS time, although I did pathetically decide to skip yoga this morning which i LOVE doing, instead of eating a bunch of ice cream I went to the gym for almost 2 hours. And I must say I feel waaaaaay better than that ice cream would've made me feel. And of course I had my good ole angry songs to help keep me pumped ;)

    Hope I can refuse over eating during the trip and, now that I'm 21, try not to over drink. Alcohol and anger doesn't go well together.
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Whiskyzee: Check out Nutsonline for pumpkin seeds. I buy them from there raw/unroasted. That way I can control how much salt goes on them, etc. They are a great snack and a pretty good deal from the website!
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    No longer in the obese category as of today :)
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    No longer in the obese category as of today :)

    that's absolutely awesome!!! congrats!!!!! =D

    ugh guys. forget them. if they're so rude as that as to blow something off that was already planned, they honestly are not worth your time. flaky people are never worth it.

    great job on channeling that anger into something positive though!!! =]
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    No longer in the obese category as of today :)

    that's absolutely awesome!!! congrats!!!!! =D

    ugh guys. forget them. if they're so rude as that as to blow something off that was already planned, they honestly are not worth your time. flaky people are never worth it.

    great job on channeling that anger into something positive though!!! =]

    Thanks girl! getting past the "obese" label was my 2nd goal I hoped to reach (the first was just to get under 200lbs) . 30 more pounds til I'm considered a "healthy" weight!

    This guy seemed so sweet. I thought he was the nicest guy I knew. It's sad to see that maybe he's not as nice as I thought :/ But life goes on and the gym is always there for me :P haaaahaha. But really....
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    @Sara--thanks, I'll have to check that out!
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Got my bikini that I ordered from Victoria's Secret in the mail today.

    Got the Carabi dot bottom too.

    I don't know if I am quite there yet, but I have been feeling pretty good so I think this thing might actually see the light of day! haha
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    woohoo!!! I'm hoping to be bikini ready by NEXT summer. heh. we'll see