Yr 3 of Weight Loss and I'm Falling off the Wagon

casandrasdsd Posts: 11 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my name is Casandra but please feel free to call me Cassie (all my friends do!). I started using MFP in 2012 and along with portion control and exercise went from 215lbs to 135lbs in a year.

Since then I have gotten married and gone back to school to work on my masters in communication. I have also sat comfortably at 145lbs and I was happy with myself. Since this summer I have gotten a new, very stressful job, while working on my thesis, and have ballooned to 157 in only a couple of months. While that may not seem like a lot, it is and I am really disappointed in myself. I find that I have lost all motivation to count calories or exercise.

I started using the app again but what would be most beneficial is support. It almost feels like I have relapsed into who I was three years ago and that is frightening.

Is there anyone else here like me?


  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Cassie :smiley: Welcome back. This is my first time on MFP so I do not have a similar story BUT I hear of so very many people who go back up in weight. I recently met my goal in September and am maintaining at the moment but that is only 3 months. I'm quite sure life just happens and sometimes we get off track again. You know how to do this and you know just what to do to get it done. Just start counting calories and check to see what it is you are doing calorie-wise at the moment ..... then take it from there. Small baby steps. I find that its all small baby steps. Even doing HIIT on a treadmill.....you start your routine you up it from there......soon it tells you your 10, 20, 30 % done.....then 80, 90 100% done and wham, you walk out of the gym door feeling like a superstar, despite the fact that you didn't want to go AT ALL in the first place. You just have to want it. Set a goal, Set a deadline, Put a skinny picture on the fridge for motivation, sign up for a challenge or a run of some sort and just do it! Good luck to you girl!
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I'm ending year two and it has been hard to keep healthy or as healthy eating as I was and exercising. I haven't gained but Im not really trying anymore either.
  • Robmyp
    Robmyp Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me. Greg
  • ycc22
    ycc22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Cassie! I'm Yana, and I'm in the exact same boat as you are. I was 5 pounds from my goal when I started college and I gave up. But now I'm back at it! Anyone is free to send me a request if they want :blush:
  • casandrasdsd
    casandrasdsd Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the support guys! Maintaining the weight loss for so long has been tough, I get into funks where I wish I didn't have to eat food. You know? Alcoholics can break their addiction by never drinking alcohol again but it's not like we can live without food.

    What degree are you going for Yana?

    Tatajana, I hear you! I used to really enjoy working out now I'm too tired to even try.

    Thanks for the kind words Hollen!
  • ima58er
    ima58er Posts: 37 Member
    I did ten pounds at a time. With the calories lining up with this. I did not feel hungry and seemed to adjust nicely. Although keeping track seems to be key. I went from 230 to 170. Stay stong good luck.
  • leahfit77
    leahfit77 Posts: 18 Member
    I have a similar story! I'm back up to 165 now which may not seem like a lot to some, but it's scary to be consistently gaining and not able to turn things around! Feel free to add me!