Hey guys, I'm over here losing some weight

I've lost 45 lbs and have another 40 to go. More than half way there feels pretty damn good. At some point I finally realized "hey butox you can't eat drive thru crap every day." The annoying this is I know more about nutrition and fitness than my thin friends, yet I sat around for the past three years doing NOTHING with all that knowledge. Better late than never I guess.


  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Good for you!!! Congratulations!!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Welcome to the forums butox. Congrats on the weight loss. Yeah, I know about nutrition too, made me feel guilty everytime I stopped at White Castle. Looooove da sliders.
  • Fatsau
    Fatsau Posts: 12
    Hi Butox,
    you did well by joining here, we keep each other motivated :)
  • butox
    butox Posts: 7
    Thank you everyone!

    pauljsolie why did you say sliders :( now I want pre-bed munchies.