In Need of Advice, what am I doing wrong?

21yo/M, 168lb.
This one is gunna be wordy, but I want to explain in as much detail as possible so I can get to the root of what I am doing wrong.

I started taking the initiative to cut down on the belly fat I have always had and get a nice set of visible ab muscles. This was in early August, 2015. This is when I started watching my diet and counting calories. I started at 183lb, and was able to cut down to 170lb without any changes to my physical routine, which was basically nothing.

When I was 19 I was doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3 to 5 times a week. I got down to about 154lb and waist of 32 inches. My starting weight then was 186lb and 34 inch at the fattest part of my torso, but despite this I still never really changed the look of my body.

So, keeping this in mind, we come to current times.

I started working out with a good buddy of mine in November of this year who is also a parcour instructor and has the body that is similar to what I want to achieve. This is our routine:

5 sets of 12 chin ups/pull ups /w variations on grips
10 sets of 10 kettlebell swings (40lb) (in front of body)
dumbbells between sets (12 reps each arm)
50 push ups (/w variations)

Leg raises (/w pullup bar) 6 sets of 12 reps Ab roller 6 sets of 12 reps jack knives (I think that is what they are called) More kettlebell swings (same as arm day)

For cardio and legs we run.

We work out together an average of 3 times a week.

Now time for diet.

I eat regularly:
Peanutbutter and banana sandwiches which consists of 1 banana on 2 pieces of Daves Killer Bread with jiff peanutbutter and honey.
Whole milk.
Mixed greens.
Baked chicken on flour tortilla with jalapeno hummus.
Protein shakes consisting of (we have been trying out various forms of protein powders, this time its muscle milk (chocolate). Protein powder, whole milk and jiff peanutbutter.
I do not drink or smoke cigarettes.
Occasionally I eat at a Hawaiian food cart, maybe once a week when school is in session zero times a week when not, and I get teriyaki chicken with brown rice and veggies. Also I eat after workouts with my workout buddy (same friend mentioned above).
There we eat well. We have protein shakes, Quest brand protein bars, vegetables and mini oranges as well as whole milk.
Okay now for pictures.
The ones where I have a carpet on my chest is from before I began working out with my buddy. The others were taken tonight. (Front) (Side)

OKAY! So now that I have told you my routine, here is the issue.

I feel like this whole time I have been trying to change myself I have done nothing but shave my chest so I could see the progress that is not being made.

I know these things take time, but tonight I took my measurements and was 36 inches at my largest. This is 2 inches larger than my biggest at 19yr/o (34inches). I weigh 18 pounds less than I did back then (186lb, now 168lb).

What am I doing wrong? It crushed me to see that, but the tape measure doesn't lie. After working out and changing my diet I still feel like I should have something more than I do by now.
I refuse to give up on this. I need help.

Anything and everything is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • MrsMunsell
    MrsMunsell Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe change your diet and add different exercises in. If you want a cut look try more vegetables and complex carbs like sweet potato. Non processed foods and real protein. Not all protein shakes are good for you. Some will bloat you too. My aunt transformed her body by eating a like a body building model and training under a professionals supervision. It's very extreme to me but she is hotter at 45 than she was at 19. I suffer from no self discipline, but it sounds like you can do it! Check reviews on your protein supplements to be positive they are helping you and not hurting! Hope this helps, good luck!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    What are you trying to achieve?
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Way too many Carbs! Cut'em!! 72 grams/day max. :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What you eat is less important than the quantities that you eat. A peanut butter and honey sandwich is a pretty meaningless designation -- how many calories are in the bread? Are you using 20 grams of peanut butter or 150 grams? Are you drinking 1 cup of whole milk or 4 cups?

    The number of calories you eat per day are an important part of your results -- not just what foods those calories are coming from. Meeting macro- and micro-nutrient goals are important, but our calorie consumption is very important to our final results. Are you weighing your solid foods on a food scale and measuring liquids?
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "I know these things take time, but tonight I took my measurements and was 36 inches at my largest. This is 2 inches larger than my biggest at 19yr/o (34inches)." What are these measurements? "at my largest"? is that you chest, waist, hips? Off hand, you just might be changing from a boy to a man. Each is shaped differently. Take a good look at a High School Senior football player and an NFL Pro.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Sorry I missed it in your wall of text, but how tall are you.

    You showed us what you eat, but how many calories does that equate per day?

    At 5'7", I cut down to 163, and actually had to bulk back up to 170 to reach the aesthetics I was really looking for. It's quite possible that 168 isn't a bad weight for you, it may just take nailing down your caloric intake and adding in a progressive strength program. It's quite possible you don't need to lose as much weight as you have in your profile, you just need to lower your BF%.

  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm not 100% sure I have interpreted your goals correctly, is it just to get smaller?

    If so, what you eat is irrelevant, it's purely about if you are in a calorie deficit or surplus. Proper nutrition is for health, not weight loss. You seem to be taking pretty decent care of yourself, but if you want to get smaller, there is precisely zero way to do it without being in a calorie deficit, or perhaps the long slow road of doing a recomp (this will keep the scale weight the same, but result in a different, possibly more desirable lean appearance)

    For either of those strategies, you are going to need to know if you're in a deficit or not, what your maintenance calories are etc.

    EDIT: Obligatory nod to fellow BJJ lover :)
  • jacobp851
    jacobp851 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, first of all you need to define your goals. From my understanding you want to lose wieght/inches while maintaining muscle. For that you need two things.

    1. Caloric deficit. Your list of foods are all fine, but if you don't eat a deficit you will not lose wieght. Eat a modest deficit and give it time and you will lose wieght.
    2. A good lifting program that focuses on progressive overload. Look up Stronglifts 5 x 5. This program or somthing similar is a good place to start.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I am also uncertain if you are trying to do recomp, bulk or cut. I wonder at your diet as well, are you counting calories or are you just eating the same amount as your friend? If you were bulking, you may need to wait for the cutting phase to see results. If you are trying recomp and you began work out in November it will likely take more time. If you are cutting or recomp it is imperative to measure milk and weigh in grams with an electronic kitchen scale all solid food and log accurately to know your exact calorie intake.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If I'm reading your post right, you started working out last month. It takes more time than that to really get body recomposition results. It's a little soon to be crushed.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    So, if I read that right, you're 18 lbs lighter but with a bigger chest because you work out, and you want to know what's wrong? That's what's supposed to happen
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I think he meant his waist at its thickest is 2 inches bigger, and I can see what you mean in the pictures. I am guessing you are not eating at a deficit. Which if you are wanting to bulk up your muscles you shouldn't be eating at a deficit anyway but getting the body you want will defiantly take more than a month.