
Feeling the struggle! Was out in injury for two months and gained 7 pounds. Back to teaching Jazzercise for almost three weeks and last Saturday I had managed to drop 4 pounds. I got on the scale and found I gained the 4 pounds back!!!! I am staying within my calories and I am burning a ton of calories when I work out (500-1200). I am sure it's just swollen muscles but it's stressing me out!!!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You have to understand a body will naturally fluctuate. So calm down and take a step back from the scale, lol.

    Look at weight loss over a 4-6 week trend.
  • jsheppeard
    jsheppeard Posts: 4 Member
    LOL yeah funny is i tell everyone else that too but i never take my own advice! I may have to remove the scale from my bathroom...i could have a problem with weighing to much LMAO!
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    what are you doing to burn 500-1200 calories per workout???
  • jsheppeard
    jsheppeard Posts: 4 Member
    I am a Jazzercise Instructor, so I will teach anywhere from 60 minutes class, to two classes that combine 90 minutes and once a week I do 2 hours. Plus when I practice new routines I will practice from 90 minutes to two hours.