Beck Diet Soltion- Anyone want to be my/each others diet coach?

I just started the Beck Diet Solution and really follow it day by day and it is my plan to really stick to it. So now I'm at day six and have to find a diet coach. But I don't want anybody in my surroundings and I also don't like to talk face to face about it with someone. So I was thinking: does any of you maybe want to be my diet coach or that we will be each other's diet coach?
The way I would like to do it is to send each other a message about how things are going, struggles and/or victories, each weekend and respond to each other. I'm really serious about it, so I would want stay in contact with each other for at least a couple of months.


  • ChristieShaker
    ChristieShaker Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I love that book and want to get back into it. I used it a couple of years ago to drop weight and want to pick it up again. I'm a serious fan as well and would use it seriously. I'd be open to teaming up.

    Should we tell each other about ourselves, what we're looking for from teaming up, and what we can commit to? Then we can see if we'd be a good match.

  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    Hi gals - did you get started on this? Can I join you?
  • xveer22
    xveer22 Posts: 93 Member
    I've already finished the book and now I'm trying to manage on my own, with the help of MFP. I have to admit that I really miss it to read a chapter each day, it was really some kind of support to me. I would very much like it to support each other! Have you already started the Beck Diet Solution or are you planning to?