Question for those that started 100+ pounds over weight



  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I had and have over a 100 lbs to lose. As mentioned before, pictures made a big difference for me. To answer your question, I would say I had to lose about 50 lbs before I could tell a difference. That is only because my skirts fall down and my blouses fall off my shoulder. Other than that I can't really tell a difference visually, but I can sure feel the difference.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    People really started to notice at about 40 pounds. I started strength training and people think that I have lost more than the 60+ pounds I have lost now, even though I am technically still obese.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    i think there's a degree of familiarity with your reflection in the mirror that might make it harder for you to see progress - which is to say, when you see yourself in the mirror every day, you're not going to notice the change because of the gradual nature of it.

    but then someone posts a picture of you on Facebook that was taken a year ago and you can't believe that it was you, and then it'll hit you. :)

  • somegirlsdo
    somegirlsdo Posts: 37 Member
    I lost about 30 lbs before I noticed anything. Others noticed before I did
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Honestly - this probably isn't going to help but it's my experience - I still don't even notice. I started at 340lbs, and I'm down to approx 250lbs. Looking at myself in the mirror I can kind of see that my neck is narrower, no more double chins and such but unless I take a picture of me then and put it beside a picture of me now I can't really see the difference. I still feel like the 340lbs girl . . . and that's hard.

    What I notice the most - and my dietitian says it's because I'm a natural athlete and just have the mindset of one - is when I work out. I can run further, lift heavier, push my body to do things I couldn't do before. Burpees? No problem. Pushups? Not the girly ones. Pull Ups? You got it (but not unassisted, yet lol). So I guess I kind of notice that I'm different but I don't notice how I look different, I notice how I perform different.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was in the range of 260-275 for like 15+ years and then shot up to 307 in a couple years, so that was my highest weight and starting point (before MFP).

    When I gradually went from 307 to 270, I felt VERY different and went down a couple of clothing sizes...but no one except my mom noticed.

    When I went from 270 to 262, I could see big changes in my face, neck, and belly - I no longer hated photos of myself for example - but no one else really seemed to notice and I didn't change clothing sizes again until much later, around 230-235. (I joined MFP at 262 lb)

    For me it was during the time around 190-230 that everyone was flipping out and commenting and complimenting me all of the time, and I kept needing smaller clothes every few months. Once I got under 190 it dropped off and people seemed to start accepting the new smaller me.

    Now I'm in the 165-175 range.
  • ICameToGetDown
    ICameToGetDown Posts: 958 Member
    I noticed around 15lbs in my face and clothes. My pants were not as tight and the butt was baggy.

    I read a ton on here my first day and took pictures. They don't lie! A quick side by side and you can see a difference.

    I also re-arranged my pants in my closet to order in how they fit on me (not the size since it is so different by style/brand). Every two weeks I try on my next few pairs of pants (I have a ton of work trousers from size 24 down to 18). Last night I tried on pants that I could not zipper two months ago and now they button and I could sit in them :-)
  • kdblpn
    kdblpn Posts: 147 Member
    I started out at 442. I am down to 335 and can tell a little in my clothes and some in my neck and shoulders. My problem is i dont see it in my belly and that's where i wanna see it the most. Sometimes when i weigh myself i think the scales are lying.
  • CoolGirl_08
    CoolGirl_08 Posts: 2 Member
    I started at 211 for my 5'4 frame and am currently down to 182 & I can finally tell a difference!!! At -15 I was able to see a difference and so did one of my friends which was very encouraging☺️
  • Chobkronker
    Chobkronker Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hey :) great job on losing so much! So I lost 30lbs+ over 8 months and put on tons of muscle. I swear I could not see or feel a difference, despite everyone telling me I'm 'wasting away'. Even my pictures, the only difference I saw was larger muscles. The thing is, if you stare at a sunset the start point is a pleasant orange and the end result is a black abyss; we can agree, they're two very different colours. But we stare, we take it in second by second, and no transition is identified due to how gradual the change is. I used to look in the mirror every day at every angle, always look at my face, and was always on top of how I felt. The whole thing was gradual and I indentified nothing. HOWEVER!!! I gained it all back and oh my goodness, the difference is enormous. It's unbelievable, I'd say every 15lbs lost is a different standard of life. You just have to trust that your progress is there, but you're just so familiar with 'you' that you don't see it. Maybe stop looking for results all the time, you'll see it in the end, trust me. Oh, a good way of feeling it in your clothes is to buy something tight, it's incredible how quickly it starts to fit better. Tldr; weight loss is much more gradual than a sunset.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started at 260 in January and am 180ish currently.

    it took around 50 pounds for me to notice IN THE MIRROR. even when i was dropping sizes, it took a LONG time for me to SEE it.

    I could tell in photos sooner - maybe around 35/40 pounds?