help with snacks please :-(

Hi all

First time posting. I have been using mfp for a few months and have lost 19 pounds so far, have 9 more to go! I don't block out treats completely, just cut them right down and have started running as well. My biggest problem is snacking! In work there is an endless supply of chocolate, biscuits, sweets etc and I am finding it hard to have snacks that will get me through to lunch / home time. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, thank you :-)


  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Since you have lost 19 pounds so far, you know how this works. Bring in your own snacks, eat those and ignore the rest. Right now, as I type, there is a chocolate cake on a table right outside my office. It's not within my limits so I don't eat it. Funny thing is, every time I pass that cake, it just sits on that table and does not throw itself down my throat, does not call my name, in fact, it does nothing to attract me to it. I ignore it.

    Just use the same inner strength you employ in not strangling the life out of some A**hole who truly deserves it. We all have an inner strength to keep us from acting on all of our more base impulses. Just use that strength.
  • erchel00
    erchel00 Posts: 7 Member
    :-) that inner strength scenario makes sense ha, thank you!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    What i bring to work sometimes are eggs, protein bar, protein shake, fruits, greek yogurt.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I usually go for yogurt or protein bar (brownies, strawberry) if i am in need of something sweet. It usually calms me down and curve my sweet tooh.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I keep oatmeal and tea at my desk, then if I get hungry after eating all my food for the day I know I have something filling and healthy available.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you have a good lunch while at work you won't be tempted to eat snacks? I know its only when I've not eaten enough at lunchtime then I'm partial to the biccie tin...

    Drink water/tea/coffee and ignore what's around you, it takes practice to keep saying no, but after a while it becomes the norm.

  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    greek yogurt with pb2, those squeezable (pre portioned!) packets of peanut butter with an apple or banana, I'll pre-weigh exactly 1 ounce of mixed nuts or cashews, one or two hard boiled eggs...two medjool dates for sweetness...
  • erchel00
    erchel00 Posts: 7 Member
    I never thought to bring oatmeal! ! That's would be prefect to get me through a long evening! I usually have Greek yogurt but either my appetite is growing or my lunches aren't big enough lately :-) I will try the dates, I've actually never eaten a date before
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    erchel00 wrote: »
    I never thought to bring oatmeal! ! That's would be prefect to get me through a long evening! I usually have Greek yogurt but either my appetite is growing or my lunches aren't big enough lately :-) I will try the dates, I've actually never eaten a date before

    Be warned, Medjool dates are like a tiny sugar bomb ;)
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    So my job is notorious for having cupcakes, donuts, candy at any given time. As long as I have eaten, I am really not tempted. Once I make my mind up that I am not going to have whatever it is I don't think about it again. Normally throughout the day I will chew gum or have two altoids.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    My fella and I both rely pretty heavily on Luna bars at work. They taste like candy, packed with protein, and under 200 calories. They are marketed as being for women but this is just because they are fortified with things like folic acid that are important to women's reproductive health.

    I also like apple slices with almond butter and cinnamon.
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    I make my own version of these. I add almonds. I eat loads of them and they don't affect my weight as much as the store bought ones do.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    erchel00 wrote: »
    Hi all

    First time posting. I have been using mfp for a few months and have lost 19 pounds so far, have 9 more to go! I don't block out treats completely, just cut them right down and have started running as well. My biggest problem is snacking! In work there is an endless supply of chocolate, biscuits, sweets etc and I am finding it hard to have snacks that will get me through to lunch / home time. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, thank you :-)

    Lunch to home time is an issue for me as well. This time of year I like a cup of Chai with milk & a little sugar, and then a reduced fat cheese stick & some veggies. 2% Greek with Grapenuts cereal is good too.
  • FiiiiFiiiFlowerTot
    FiiiiFiiiFlowerTot Posts: 102 Member
    Hello :)

    Ryvita Thins and Light Dairylea Triangles
    Low fat popcorn
    Banana and fat free yoghurt
  • erchel00
    erchel00 Posts: 7 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    erchel00 wrote: »
    I never thought to bring oatmeal! ! That's would be prefect to get me through a long evening! I usually have Greek yogurt but either my appetite is growing or my lunches aren't big enough lately :-) I will try the dates, I've actually never eaten a date before

    Be warned, Medjool dates are like a tiny sugar bomb ;)

    Thanks for the heads up :-) I think my problem sometimes is I over indulge in things that are healthy but only in moderation!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    erchel00 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    erchel00 wrote: »
    I never thought to bring oatmeal! ! That's would be prefect to get me through a long evening! I usually have Greek yogurt but either my appetite is growing or my lunches aren't big enough lately :-) I will try the dates, I've actually never eaten a date before

    Be warned, Medjool dates are like a tiny sugar bomb ;)

    Thanks for the heads up :-) I think my problem sometimes is I over indulge in things that are healthy but only in moderation!

    Yup, I ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many nuts and nut butters before I realized how high they are in calories. Now I eat an ounce of nuts with a few ounces of apple.
  • allygory
    allygory Posts: 6 Member
    String cheese. Sunflower seeds (in shell -they are caloric but very easy to eat slowly). No sugar added popsicles,
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I don't snack. I don't see the need to. It means I can eat more at meals too.
  • erchel00
    erchel00 Posts: 7 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    erchel00 wrote: »
    Hi all

    Lunch to home time is an issue for me as well. This time of year I like a cup of Chai with milk & a little sugar, and then a reduced fat cheese stick & some veggies. 2% Greek with Grapenuts cereal is good too.

    I must look for grapenut cereal, I am based in uk so not sure if we stock it here; hard to get a cereal or granola that isn't full of sugar, someone mentioned looking at paleo snacks coz they are mostly made from scratch so maybe I should give that a go, its by 3pm that I start getting hungry, even after having a really big lunch, it's like my stomach just switched to on once it hits!
  • kychoie0330
    kychoie0330 Posts: 9 Member
    edited December 2015
    Protein shakes is a given, kills any appetite cravings. But if its the chewing aspect of what you need to satisfy I would strongly recommend Chocolate covered almonds. Not the milk chocolate where the layer of chocolate is bigger than the almond itself, but the dark chocolate covered almonds (almost like dusted with dark choco powder). Satisfies any sweet tooth and any cravings for snacking. High in good fats, high in protein, low in carbs, fiber in nut reduces amount of carb absorbed aka low net carbs! :)