Feeling so discouraged.

therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been off and on with eating healthy for the past year, but for the past month I have really tried to eat better , daily. Since about a month ago, I have lost about 5-6 lbs, with diet alone (could be water weight or something). Recently I just started up an exercise regime at the gym and tomorrow will be my 5th day. I do about 20-30 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes on the elliptical.

I know it is too early to see results from the gym, but I still look in the mirror and look the same as I have all year, I feel. I weighed 176 a year ago and now weigh 147-148. That is great and all. Since this past month, I was losing at about point two lbs a day until I started exercising. I don't think muscle can build that quickly, in a week, to stall weight loss?

Either way, I am not seeing any differences. I have lost a little bit in inches since this past spring, but very minuscule, and I am really surprised that I did because it does not look that way. Everyone says that if you are eating right and exercising and creating a deficit, you should definitely be losing weight at a good pace. I usually eat 1200 calories on days I don't exercise and 1450 on days I do exercise (since I burn about 250 from the gym). I watch my sodium and make sure I'm within all my levels of protein, carbs and fat. I just feel fat as always and see absolutely no difference in the mirror. Any advice would be appreciated. If you want to know anything else just ask.

It just seems like I am doing something wrong.


  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    check out Jackie warners book and dvd's. her book is called "This is why you are fat" It is really good and I am starting the program myself. I have a freind who did it and got nice and skinny in no time at all. She looks great and was my motivation to try it for myself.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    If you just started up a new exercise regimen, you are almost certainly retaining water. Exercise, especially unfamiliar exercise, stresses the muscles. Your body hangs on to water to aid in repairing these stressed muscles. Once you adjust, you'll shed the water again :).
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Have you been taking pictures? I didnt SEE my first 30 lbs in the mirror but have a friend who is a photographer, while helping build her portfolio she said "WOW You can REALLY see you weightloss in these pictures!!" I smiled and thanked her but didt truly believe it till I put my new and old pictures side by side. Part of the reason I didnt see it is because I wasnt losing pant sizes (still dont lose those quickly) and its because of where the weight was coming off from.

    Also, if you just started the workout routine and a daily one at that your body is freaking out and holding onto things. A) to make sure you are sticking to it B) Its not sure what the heck youre suddenly doing! Give it ATLEAST 2 weeks but up to 6 for true results to show from an excercise regimine change. And what will more then likely happen is the scale will stare at you 4 lbs lighter one day and youll step on it 10 times because you refuse to believe it
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    Have you been taking pictures? I didnt SEE my first 30 lbs in the mirror but have a friend who is a photographer, while helping build her portfolio she said "WOW You can REALLY see you weightloss in these pictures!!" I smiled and thanked her but didt truly believe it till I put my new and old pictures side by side. Part of the reason I didnt see it is because I wasnt losing pant sizes (still dont lose those quickly) and its because of where the weight was coming off from.

    Also, if you just started the workout routine and a daily one at that your body is freaking out and holding onto things. A) to make sure you are sticking to it B) Its not sure what the heck youre suddenly doing! Give it ATLEAST 2 weeks but up to 6 for true results to show from an excercise regimine change. And what will more then likely happen is the scale will stare at you 4 lbs lighter one day and youll step on it 10 times because you refuse to believe it

    That is what I am hoping for, and I will keep pushing for as long as I can! I also have not noticed any difference in pants size, or any clothing feeling loose on me or anything since I have lost those 30 lbs. That is another reason I am discouraged. I feel that I should be feeling differently. Perhaps its because I never really exercised, so the fat on my body stayed? Now that I am exercising, perhaps I should feel a difference?
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    check out Jackie warners book and dvd's. her book is called "This is why you are fat" It is really good and I am starting the program myself. I have a freind who did it and got nice and skinny in no time at all. She looks great and was my motivation to try it for myself.

    I will definitely check that out. Thank you.
  • If you are doing 20-30 minutes of cardio at the gym AND 40 minutes on the elliptical, you are burning way more than 250 calories. Remember: eating is ESSENTIAL to losing weight when you are also working out. If your elliptical workout is in the moderate/strenuous level, make sure you count those calories too! If you are burning 250 cal. with 20 minutes of cardio, you're likely burning up to 400-500 cal. on the elliptical (unless you're going at a leisurely pace). The worst thing you can do is put your body in "starvation mode" when it's also being pushed to work out. It will retain EVERYTHING.

    Aside from that, 179 to 145 is AMAZING! Trust me - it's noticeable. I am 179 and my twin sister is in the 140s - we're built exactly the same, and the difference in the way our bodies look is significant! Don't let your 'expectations' get the better of you! You made a huge accomplishment - be proud! Plateauing is normal, and it might be necessary to let your body adjust before pushing it to lose more. (Our bodies are made to fight back against change.)

    Hope this helps!

  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for your responses! How do I know my weight is stalled because of a new exercise regime, or if I am eating too little calories or of its because I am gaining muscle? I have only been on this exercise regime a week. But I have always tried to eat right and have been good for a month. I lost 5 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet for a few weeks, then I added exercise and it stalled for now a week and a half. :( I have been reading 1200 is too low so I am upping to about 1400-1500 net. I just want to know what is causing this! :(
  • dhon
    dhon Posts: 1 Member
    I think I understand how you feel . I've been at the same wt for almost a year now with a pretty strenuous exercise regime and (sigh) moderately contolled eating plan......HOWEVER I feel much fitter , my wife & friends tell me I'm looking younger ....recently managed to wear my wedding ring again ....so something is working. Please don't feel despondent and give up. Stay with it. Well being is way beyond wt , unless you're clinically overwt / obese . Stay with it . Good Luck
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks for your responses! How do I know my weight is stalled because of a new exercise regime, or if I am eating too little calories or of its because I am gaining muscle? I have only been on this exercise regime a week. But I have always tried to eat right and have been good for a month. I lost 5 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet for a few weeks, then I added exercise and it stalled for now a week and a half. :( I have been reading 1200 is too low so I am upping to about 1400-1500 net. I just want to know what is causing this! :(

    Set your goals by the instructions on the site and then stick with it! Don't just guess at a calorie level and expect to have positive results. You also might benefit from a heart rate monitor to better determine how much you are burning with exercise.

    Good luck
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