A Blog and Introduction!

So! Since I first created a MFP account, I have lost 25 pounds or so. That wasn't one consistent transition, of course, it was ups and downs, like we all seem to have... BUT - I've found my groove. ;)

Let's talk about binging. So so easy to do, and I've learned that that's fine. It happens. What SHOULDN'T happen, however, is that you adopt the mindset of "Well, I already ate one, I might as well have more". Or, "Well, I already went a little over this morning, might as well make a day of it". If you start to group your "cheats" in your mind, you will neglect to realize how detrimental they can be indivudually.

I've learned that even when I slip up, no matter how hard it is to admit to yourself, just log it. Seeing it in front of you will help keep you accountable, and hopefully, help you realize that you still can change the rest of your day, and get back on track before you create an unhealthy pattern.

A little bit about me - I don't eat meat, although I will never be able to give up sushi. I have never liked the taste of red meats, pork, turkey, etc, but I am a sucker for trying cultural dishes, or unique creations.

My weaknesses are carbs! Basically snack foods, pastas... etc. I did great for a couple months with going back to completely fresh foods ... no processed sugars, no enriched breads, etc... my whole goal is to get back to where I know exactly what is going in my body, and what it will benefit. Eat to live, not live to eat. :) But again, I will always enjoy a good night out trying something new.

Fitness! Well, I have always been curvy, I've been skinny, I've been too skinny, and I've been slightly overweight. I'm back to curvy now, but I need to tone up and drop a bit more. The greatest thing about the road to healthy, is that you realize it isn't just about your weight. It's not just about the clothes you wear, or the attention you may get, it also becomes about what you are able to produce. Work becomes more productive. I get more done, have an energy about me, that allows me to accomplish so much more in a day that I did before. When I work out, I look forward to the results, and to the next workout. That mentality carries over in everything when you finally get healthy. Your home life will benefit, work life, social life... An idle body is an idle mind. That's what I look forward to most. Being productive and successful in every aspect.

Anyway, those are just a few facts about me, and a few things that have crossed my mind today. I'm far from finished, I'm more at the bottom of the roller coaster this week than the top, but at least I have a plan, and I'm putting it in action. That's the important part.

Thank you for all of the friend requests, I've already talked to so many more people than the last site I used, and I can tell this is going to be an awesome resource!

Keep on movin'!


