I want to feel good about myself

I'm 29 year old female I never really felt good about myself I'm life and this weight makes me feel worse I'm going to try to stick with this mfp


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for help!
  • francesparra214
    francesparra214 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sorry u feel that way .i hope i can help in some way .I got started here a few months ago feeling the same wanted to be the way I was as a young girl but I don't feel that anymore I've started to love myself for what I'm becoming today.
  • smelbo
    smelbo Posts: 36 Member
    I have struggled all my life with loosing, gaining weight. I am not overweight right now, but have been sometimes 50 plus overweight at some time in my life. I turned 60 this year, and over half my life, I have worried about my weight. I speak from experience, figure out why you want to loose weight. For a longer term goal, looking good in jeans is not the answer for me. I want to be healthy, and fit as I grow older, and be able to enjoy life. I recently have coupled mfp with fit bit, and have lost 10 pounds in 2 months. I weigh myself every day, and when I gain, I try to get back on track. Logging in mfp helps me know where i am during the day.
    I am sure you are a beautiful person, regardless if what your weight is. Loosing weight will not create world peace. It is but one piece of your world.
  • Hammy6275
    Hammy6275 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been about 30 lbs overweight and I started running, biking and swimming about 2 1/2 months ago. I feel great and more importantly I feel really good about myself. Better than I have felt in over a decade. The biggest thing that has gotten me out and doing this is the support of a great neighbor that I have. If you have someone to workout with it makes things a lot easier. Good luck and you can add me as a friend if you want.