Why wait until monday?!

Hi, fellow fitness pals! My name is Amber, I'm 24 & I decided to finally take this weightloss thing serious. I've been active most of my life, but also somehow managed to be obese most of my life. My goal is to lose 60 lbs by July 1st, by eating healthy and exercise. No wraps, no magic.. I would love some support from you all, bc I'm a firm believer that there's power in numbers & positive energy! I'm here to support you all as well! Let's go!


  • ryjaaah
    ryjaaah Posts: 85 Member
    Good luck! :3
  • lmrudnick
    lmrudnick Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome to MFP :D
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    welcome and good luck
  • marylovesnini
    marylovesnini Posts: 41 Member
  • marylovesnini
    marylovesnini Posts: 41 Member
    Good luck
  • mubanjiji
    mubanjiji Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amber my name is Clifton. I'm 63. I've lost 30 lbs in the last 6 months. I have 30 more to lose, I will share this journey with you. Here are some things that help me that I will share with you.

    1) Take small bites and Smell each bite of food before you put it in your mouth, if you can't smell it don't put it in your mouth until you can smell it.

    2) Eat with water. Between each bite take a drink of water.

    3) Begin the cycle again, smelling and taking small bites each time.

    I find that my sense of smell regulates my appetite and water helps me feel full.

    Best of luck
  • BlueberryMuffins189