I am blown away by this website!!

UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Hello all:

Since I started on this site, about 5 weeks ago, I have lost 10.5 pounds!! I've never been real overweight, but since I went through menopause, my weight has been a struggle even though I run crazy mileage and work out regularly.

I looked at the scale today (even though my official weigh-in day is tomorrow) and saw a number that I haven't seen in a few years (137.5)!! This site is just amazing!! I have wanted to get down to 125 for years, but thought it was impossible!!

This site has given me the information and tools I need to make informed choices. I didn't know how to balance my running versus calories taken in. If I am brutally honest about my intake and my outgo, I WILL lose weight now!! :love:


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Under 10 stones - awesome! You're always an inspiration!
  • liswar
    liswar Posts: 25
    nice work! I am in a similar position - have wieght to lose, but not a great deal. This keeps me honest & accountable, and helps me think twice before overeating/skipping my excercise.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    it is amazing and well done to you

    keep up the good work !
  • noni77
    noni77 Posts: 58 Member
    Well done! I've only just started using MFP, I'm loving it too.

    You'll be at your goal weight before you know it. :smile:
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I totally agree and the best part is that it is free. Congrats on your success.
  • panda_rocks
    panda_rocks Posts: 34 Member
    i joined well over a year ago, but didnt do much with the site. I re-discovered it last week, and I too am super impressed!.

    Congrats on the weight loss...Im glad you are doing well :)
  • I agree with you. I love it too. I have learned to eat healthy and make the right choices, without depriving myself.
  • I am blown away by this website. I have to say that its a great way to keep track on what's going into your body and making it accessible from your phone or ipod makes it even easier. I love it!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I love this site too and have learned so much from the message boards. Not only support, but laughs and thought provoking topics.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I like this site A LOT i have been on other sites similar to this and its just been WAAAAY too much going on...I like how simple and too the point this site is and the message boards and challenges among memebers are great AND inspiring. I have never kept up with something like this on my own I will normally just get tired of trying but this site has really kept me motivated and all my friends and support here are really what keeps me going and seeing the before and after pics just make me want to strive for that!!! This site ROCKS!!!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    I agree this site is amazing. Support is fantastic. I look forward to coming on here every day to get motivated. Congratulations on your weight loss. Have a great night.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I fell in love with the app on my phone but discovering the message boards made the find that much better!
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